Archive "2021" "September"

Gratitude Wall

Archive: September 2021

I LOOOOVE the Calm app. The "Daily Calm" is my go-to for stress relief. A quiet place outdoors, deep breathing, and guided meditation... perfection! Might I also add that I use the meditations on nights I can't sleep!
Sheena Boone
Anything outdoors - I like to go for walks, hikes, to the beach, or even just eat dinner at the picnic table in our yard for some fresh air.
Trisha Baker
I'm grateful to live and work at Essex. It's been a wonderful experience so far. My CM has been extremely helpful. She has given me a lot of knowledge and encouragement to better my personal and employment life.
Let me first say that I'm very thankful to be able to look forward to coming to work every day. I have approximately one and a half hour drive home every day which instead of being angry at traffic, this time gives me the opportunity to think of what I accomplish at work and who I made happy from just a simple work request. I'm also thankful for working for such a company. July made 35 years of being Married three grown kids that are doing very well, three grandkids that are healthy and I'm very much looking forward to a very nice inheritance this month:) At this time I cant ask for more. Thank You for being Essex.
Raymond Verrette
I'm grateful for the opportunity to make the choice to go to the gym 8-10 a week in order to lower my risks of chronic disease. Having open fitness centers to allows me to be at 10% body fat which was proven to lower my risks to ailments. Proper nutrition, by being able to shop healthy, is something else I'm grateful for. If you want to learn how I've reached my own Nirvana, reach out to me and ask questions.
Brian Barillas