Archive "2021" "November"

Gratitude Wall

Archive: November 2021

Grateful for another day as each day gives new opportunities. Thankful for breath, health and grace. That we have all nearly made it through another year. Thankful that I made it! Thankful that you did too!!
Grateful for the team at Palm Valley! Showing up to work ready to work as a team and help each other out however we can.
Thankful for Palm Valley Team!
Grateful for facials and massages!
After having COVID this past July, I am Grateful for my life! I am Grateful for my family. I am Grateful to work for a company that takes the time to acknowledge their employees and has compassion for workers that have small children. I am very Grateful!
Thank you to ALL Essex team members for making my 19 years amazing and fun! The friendships made, the challenges we have overcome and successes we have achieved this past couple of years speaks for itself. This is what makes Essex the team to be a part of. I am grateful to work with such an amazing group of leaders and I am so proud of our accomplishments. Thank you all and may your holidays be full of family, fun and lots of love! Nothing can stop us in 2022!
Julie Workman
I'm grateful for a special someone who has supported me through the end of last year and the entirety of this year. I've been able to push through so many challenges and experience so many new things, and it would not have been possible without you! I love you!
Gratitude is a wonderful thing to inventory. It helps us counterbalance our day to day junk and helps realign us to what's important. Today I'm grateful for many, many things and for that I' :)
Grateful to be working with the Essex fam again!
Andres Cavallero
I'm gratefull for being healthy, for my family, for my Essex family special for my community, and Emerson valley village team thank you for always supporting me, may God continue to bless our homes and our essex communities, our leaders so they continue to do a great job thank you everyone and have a great time
Sandra Martinez -Emerson valley village
I'm grateful for my health, my team, and family/friends. It's been a rollercoaster of a year and it's important to have a support team around you.
Stefania G.
I am grateful for the time I had with the Galloway Team! It was such a pleasure getting to know each of you and I can't wait to see how you all excel in your careers at Essex!
Nathan Wise
I am so grateful to Jamie V for taking a chance on this newbie, your generous spirit and care and attention to the residents and our team, makes me love coming to work. I will miss you!! But your legacy of high quality customer service will reign on!!
Heather OLeary
I am so grateful to Jamie V for taking a chance on this newbie, your generous spirit and care and attention to the residents and our team, makes me love coming to work. I will miss you!! But your legacy of high quality customer service will reign on!!
Heather OLeary
I am so grateful for working here at Essex, meeting new Essex Team members. I have to give a shout out to, Team Lakeshore Landing for being an awesome team to work with! Norma (CM) and Jasmin (LS) are amazing people to work with in the office! Maintenance rocks!
Theresa Basaldua
Grateful to be part of an amazingly talented, strong and resilient team. Goooooo L&D
I am so grateful for the health of my family.
I am grateful to work for a company that has invested in my growth in career. Every person I have met along the way has given me guidance to get me to where I am today. Thank you to all those who have supported me along the way.
Steffani H.
I'm grateful for my health, my family, my boyfriend, my friends, my team, and my career with Essex.
Allegra Sanchez
I am grateful for the many goods things in my life: my family; my wonderful partner whom I have been with for six years (and counting!); the many amazing friends I have made within this year, both within Essex and outside the company; and my health. I am also grateful for the struggles that I have gone through, for they have helped me become the person that I am today.
Wyndon Villafuerte
This year I am especially happy for the gift of my daughter! Wishing the Essex family a wonderful holiday season!
Jillian Bryant
I am thankful for all of the amazing people I get to interact with on a regular basis at our company.
I am grateful for the courage and passion to join some affinity groups this year: Rainbow Alliance, DEI Action Team and Women's Affinity groups. I am grateful for the connections I have made with the beautifully-passionate and open-minded people in those groups. You have enriched my life, both professionally and personally. Thank You!!!
I am blessed to work with a dynamic team of talented individuals. I am continually inspired by the work they create & the way they collaborate to deliver amazing results. I am a better leader because of their influence on me.
Tami Whalen
I am a new employee and I am grateful for the multiple sources of knowledge this company seems to offer. From knowledgeable employees to welcome gifts, I have received all love here.
That New Guy
I'm grateful to work with a dynamic team of individuals and to have the opportunity to work with a great organization. I look forward to continue to grow and develop within Essex.
Liz Lopez
I am extremely Grateful for My Health, for the Health of My 4 Sons and my three NEW Daughters in LOVE, and for the Health of my Grandson, and for the blessing of a New Grandchild coming next year! I am blessed from Above and I will never forget from where the blessing come!
Tonya Albertson