RUBS & Utilities
  • What does RUBS stand for?
    • Ratio Utility Billing System

  • What does the RUBS & Utilities Department handle?
    • Utility Billing Programs / Utility Addendums
    • On-site team assistance thru escalated resident billing inquiries or disputes
    • 3rd Party Utility Billing Vendors
    • Utility Income/Expense Budgets
    • Utility Cost/Usage variance reviews

  • Hot Topics That Should be Escalated to RUBS & Utilities
    • Leak, Flood, Pool Refill, or Property Project involving increased water usage
    • Trash Hauler Issues, such as missed pick-ups, on-site behavior, property damage
    • Utility Invoice Received at Property
    • Service Disconnection Notification or Occurence
    • Questions or Concerns with Utility Addendum language or program
    • Resident billing questions that were not resolved by 3rd Party Biller
      • Billing Disputes
      • Vacant Cost Recovery (VCR) Charges or Fees
January 20, 2022