Employee Q&A Responses

Q&A from Coffee Talk with the Leadership Team

Q: Why is Essex asking me to attest if I have received the vaccine?
A: Essex is committed to associate wellness and has a shared interest in public health. Information collected around the vaccine is required and will aid in our efforts in maintaining a safe workplace and comply with federal and local/state guidelines (Example: Santa Clara County).
Q: Will we need to provide proof of vaccination at any point in the future? How is Essex validating associates that attest to being vaccinated for the drawing?
A: We are asking for you to declare your vaccination status. We are not asking for medical documentation or proof at this time, although Essex reserves the right to do so. Associates attesting their vaccination status and are being asked to comply with the Essex code of conduct.
Q: What if I cannot get the vaccine due to medical (or other) reasons or if I cannot get the vaccine prior to the prize drawing?
A: Our company position is to encourage all associates to get the vaccine. However, Essex is not mandating associates to get the vaccine. If you cannot get the vaccine for medical or personal reasons and are interested in the prize drawing, please contact HR via ServiceNow. Additionally, associates are able to receive time-off (SCSL) to get their vaccine and submit for wellness points through Vitality at any time, including after June 16.
Q: What are the ramification for not disclosing personal information? Where are the written policies to refer to for these new updates?
A: The vaccine is not being mandated; however, local ordinances are now requiring employers to track vaccination status. If you have specific concerns about a sharing personal health information, please contact HR via ServiceNow.
Q: Would the corporate employees that completed the return to work survey need to complete the attestation?
A: All associates are required to complete the attestation.
Q: Where can we go in Workday to see if we already answered yes or no to the vaccine questions?
A: You will see the task on your Workday homepage.
Q: What are our remote work options for onsite and corporate employees?
A: In the interest of health, workplace safety, and business needs we have developed a framework for both Onsite and Corporate associates. Onsite associates: Ops leaders will provide an update soon. Corporate associates: please refer to the communication regarding a hybrid work model that was sent to all corporate associates on 4/15/21. We will update you if any guidance change regarding masks.
Q: I would like to see our upper management recognize the efforts of our corporate team members of CMS, Redevelopment and all who work to support Operations, Essex needs to understand the hours and work load these team members put in, Essex needs to ask how their mental health is as I have seen some decline in some people with depression.
A: We value the contributions across the company and all departments are critical to us delivering on our mission. Please consult BUZZ for our employee assistance program (EAPs) that is available to all employees. For more details, please contact EAP Manage Health Network at 800-977-7917 www.mhn.advantageengagement.com access code: ESS. If there is a specific concern, please contact HR.
Q: The number of programs we are using has created so much lag. The majority of all the programs do the same thing. It is making us look silly in terms of how function at our jobs. Almost all the programs have issues or glitches that still have not been fixed in the 1 year we have had them. We bring them forward, we send tickets, and nothing is fixed. We create work arounds to make things work the way we need, which only creates more work for us at the end of the day. This needs to be addressed and fixed for the onsite teams.
A: We appreciate and want the feedback.  Working groups across our product offerings continue to update and release improvements and functionality.  If you have specific items that continue to be problematic, do not hesitate to reach out and escalate to your RPM or IT product teams.
Q: Are the Coffee Talk Q&As posted anywhere?
A: Yes, you can find the answers to all the questions submitted during Coffee Talks on the main page of BUZZ under Employee Q&A

Q: We are noticing changes in the company; do we have a plan on being more transparent as a company?
A: We continue to communicate with transparency on our company strategy, vision, direction and key priorities. We have the value fairness and equity in the way we communicate our goals, our opportunities and any new initiatives and policies. We have introduced several additional communication channels (Coffee Talk, e-hour/power hour and Speak Up) to ensure that dialogue is encouraged. In addition, your supervisor is available to you to discuss any concerns and questions you may have. As always, senior management maintains an open-door policy.

Q: Are we on a hiring freeze? Seems like there is never enough floaters or maintenance techs?
A: There is no hiring freeze. If you have questions about staffing arrangement, please speak to your supervisor and/or RPM.

Q: Employees that live on-site and work on-site during this pandemic have not gotten any help with their rent, on the opposite the employee license renewal was not fair at all (I would understand we cannot expect free rent but at least a fair market rate). Does Essex still care about their employees?
A: We are extending the same rental assistance program designed for our residents to our employees who live at Essex communities. Please refer to the email communication sent to all associates on 4/3/20 and posted on BUZZ. You may also contact your Regional Administrative Assistant for more information.

Q: Since we are doing video tours, we are using our personal devices and our own data plans. Is there any plan to help with the cost of our phone plans?
A: Updates coming soon. We are evaluating wireless programs and are in the midst of guideline development.

Q: I noticed that a lot of properties are being combined in the Ventura County Region which is eliminating positions and limiting the ability to move up without having to travel a great distance. How is this being addressed?
A: Over the last several years the business has made decisions to combine some sites to create efficiencies (in staffing and scheduling) and opportunity for growth/career enhancement. We encourage our teams to view this as an opportunity to establish a career path within Essex and we encourage you to reach out to your RPMs.

Q: Does the company have a better training program so employees can grow within Essex?
A: Operations Leadership, HR and Learning and Development are actively looking at existing career paths and opportunities. Some new programs are already available through the L&D platform. Watch BUZZ for more announcements.

Q: Since there are two vaccine doses, shouldn't we receive 16hrs rather than 8hrs?
A: The company has offered (8) hours to cover the (2) visits and with the number of appointment options readily available, it should be possible to get both doses utilizing the (8) hours of PTO.

Q: What is the impact of Funnel Roll out on Leasing jobs?  What training will be provided? Can we improve the quality of Leasing agents who manage this?
A: Leasing is a critical part of our business and we are focused on improving our ability to sell through technology and process innovation.  Funnel, along with other sales tools, are designed to make our leasing teams more effective and create a more seamless interaction with our prospects.  Our goal is that through enhanced communication and higher levels of customer service we will make the prospect and associate experience much better than it’s ever been.  Leasing jobs will continue to evolve with new innovation but continue to be fundamental to our success.
We are continuing to pilot and learn from this rollout and will address any technical and training needs as part of the broader roll out.
Q: What is the status of Employee renewals?  We have not heard how this is being handled?  Are the renewals going to be handled competitively?
A: We will finalize our employee renewals program in the next two weeks, and the RAs will be in touch with renewal letters shortly. 
Q. How can we get PPE that fits our needs?
A: All properties are set up to order the needed PPE thru HD Supply, Amazon or other retailers.  They can order what they need and are encouraged to ensure that they have the appropriate PPE to do their jobs in a safe manner.  For additional information, on safety protocols, please check Buzz or reach out to your supervisors.
Q: How will Prop. 21 impact Essex and our employees?  Where can we find more information?  Why should we care about Prop. 21? 

A:  It is important to inform and educate our employees about all aspects of the business including critical legislation that will have far reaching impact on our business and the housing industry in our markets.

Prop 21 was created by Michael Weinstein and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Mr. Weinstein has been an advocate for anti-growth policies in California for many years.  We believe that Mr. Weinstein knows that Prop. 21, if passed, will result in less housing development by allowing extreme forms of rent control.  California’s growth and economic wellbeing requires that housing is built consistent with new jobs. Thus, Prop 21 will hurt California’s economic condition and recovery from Covid-19.  The industry has assembled a broad coalition of seniors, veterans, affordable housing advocates, and labor organizations from all political affiliations in opposition to Prop. 21.  Governor Newsom also opposes Prop 21, in part because California has already passed statewide rent control (AB 1482).  Prop 21 will make housing less available and less affordable at a time when millions of Californians are struggling to get back to work and keep a roof over their heads.  Prop. 21 does nothing to address California's housing shortage. The proposal provides no plan to build affordable and middle-class housing or deal with the increasing problem of homelessness on our streets.  For a complete list of endorsements, please see the campaign website at www.noonprop21.vote.

Prop. 21 takes away basic protections for homeowners and allows regulators to tell single-family homeowners how much they can charge to rent out a single room. Millions of homeowners will be subject to regulations and price controls enacted by unelected boards. Non-partisan researchers at MIT estimate extreme rent control measures like this result in an average reduction in home values up to 20%. That's up to $115,000 in lost value for the average homeowner.

Prop 21 has no protections for seniors, veterans or the disabled, and it has no provision to reduce rents. It will also allow local governments to establish extreme and permanent regulations on nearly all aspects of housing. For example, even after a tenant moves out, property owners won't be able to establish rents at market rates or pay for investments in repairs or upgrades.

It simply goes too far. It will make the housing crisis worse.  Californians are experiencing a severe housing affordability crisis in the most devastating economic and public health emergency of our lifetimes. The last thing we should do is pass an initiative that will stop new housing from being built, cost jobs, and hurt the economic recovery.

An in-depth conversation with Mike Schall and John Eudy will be posted on Buzz.  In addition, you can find detailed information at www.noonprop21.vote and Ballotpedia.org.

Q: There are several staffing concerns on-site. How can we get them addressed?
A:  As we look at site staffing, we generally look at maintenance staffing and office staffing separately.  With respect to maintenance staffing, we have never had staffing levels as high as we have today. Therefore if there is a maintenance staffing issue, it is site related and it should be escalated to the RPM and/or the Lisa Yeh GVP-Operations.

Regarding office staffing levels, that has clearly been a challenge all year long due to COVID restrictions, the market challenges, and the transformation that our industry is going through currently. The Digitally Enabled Transformation is both exciting and exhausting. Thankfully, as we move to the fourth quarter, the workload declines significantly due to the reduction in expirations and related move ins and move outs. Additionally, we continue to work through new structures and processes leveraging our new technology that are reducing the workloads and increasing our effectiveness and efficiency. At one pilot site, we have reduced the incoming calls 50%! At other sites, we are working on new structures that enable the leasing agents to focus on leasing and the managers to focus on other customer service and management items which reduces the workloads as well since leasing agents are not placed in the middle where they are investing time with residents but unable to solve their problems. We have many more exciting changes in the works, however, none of that solves real problems that you may face if you are understaffed.  Therefore, if you feel that you lack the staffing to address the workload at your site, please reach out to your RPM and/or Lisa Yeh, GVP-Operations.

Q: Essex continues to discuss doing the right thing for our residents but what steps are we taking to do the right thing for our employees? What are we doing for our employees regarding Covid-19 rental assistances?
A: We are extending the same rental assistance program designed for our residents to our employees who live at Essex communities. Please refer to the email communication sent to all associates on 4/3/20 and posted on BUZZ.  You may also contact your Regional Administrative Assistant for more information.

In addition, our employees are offered housing discount as part of their employment and we continue to ensure that our total rewards (compensation, benefits, housing discounts and other programs) are competitive. Our employees’ health, safety and well-being continue to be of importance during this pandemic. Our safety protocols and work processes onsite are designed to keep our employees safe while doing their jobs. In addition, Essex offers an excellent employee assistance program (EAPs) that is available to all employees. For more details, please contact EAP Manage Health Network at 800-977-7917 www.mhn.advantageengagement.com access code: ESS

Without a doubt, many of us are feeling anxious as we navigate the uncertainty of COVID-19. During these times, it is critical that we focus on the business and our employees and together, we can navigate these unprecedented times.

Q: What are we doing regarding hazard pay?
A: First and foremost, we are very focused on worker safety. We believe all associates must participate in making sure they are doing their work in a proper, safe and approved manner. This means using appropriate PPE for the tasks at hand, proper social distancing at all times, and practicing great hygiene (frequently washing hands, not touching face, etc.) We have closed our offices to the residents, prospects and vendors. We have shifted our leasing tours to virtual or self-guided. We have modified our maintenance practices to not do work in a unit where a person is sick or has symptoms of being sick, and will only do emergency work orders so long as people are not sick and we ask the resident to leave the home when we do. We will not perform non-emergency work orders regardless of health of the resident. All of these things are designed to make the essential work we do as safe as possible. Hence, the concept of “hazard pay” is not in alignment with our practices. We do not want anyone doing hazardous work and we believe that following our protocols and the guidance of the CDC will keep our workers safe. If you have concerns regarding the safety of the work you are performing, please escalate those concerns to your supervisor or HR so any issues can be promptly addressed.
Q: Are we considering referral bonus for non-leasing employees?
A:  Not at this time, however, we will look into other ways of incenting employees.

Q: Do we have a new asset acquisition plan after we emerge from Covid-19? 
A:  We have a detailed acquisition plan for year 2020 that we are currently updating to reflect new business conditions.
Q: Is there a plan yet on how to reopen our offices safely?

A:  Currently we have a Sr. Leadership team working together to develop plans to reopen our offices safely.  As and when we receive guidance from State and Local authorities, we will begin to implement these plans.  These plans include reexamining all our safety protocols, social distancing guidelines, PPE availability for offices, cleaning schedules,  as well as work rules/hours/schedules to ensure that Employees can work safely.  We will keep you informed of these plans and communicate as soon as decisions are made.

Q: How are we planning to handle 2020 major capital and operational projects for the remaining of the year, also how do we plan to handle the asset management and operational 2021 budgeting? 
A: Because of Shelter  in Place, we suspended all capital work (both rev-gen and non-rev) except for emergencies.  After the ordinance is lifted, we will reevaluate timing and consider how it impacts residents to reassess whether or not it still makes sense to complete in 2020 or defer to the following year.  We should have better information in the next couple of months. As for budgeting 2021 capital, we will reexamine our plans in late summer/early fall once we have more information.

Q: As a country we have been forced to change how we are running our daily business.  Why has Essex chosen to move forward with voluntary system changes such as SightPlan and Funnel while we are trying to navigate the forced changes?
A: As we navigate our way through this pandemic, we need to continue to evaluate our processes and technology solutions and ensure that we come out even more productive, even more capable, even more operationally sound then we have been before. Technology led innovation has been a key strategy to achieving these improvements. These technology led innovations of SightPlan and Funnel have been in the works for several months and we deemed it critical to accelerate our implementations so we were more efficient. We need to take advantage of this time to continue down this path so that we will be stronger, better and more nimble.

Q: Possibly consider opening for in-person tours. Require masks are worn and that the prospect not touch anything in the unit during the tour. This could help us secure some leases being able to do tours in-person.
A: we are continuing to evaluate all face-to-face tours etc. and will be guided by state and local officials on when the appropriate time is to reopen our offices or face-to-face contact without putting our employees in harms way.

Q: Essex continues to discuss doing the right thing for our residents but what steps are we taking to do the right thing for our employees’ mental well-being as we continue to change our daily processes and add to our workload continually?
A: Essex offers an excellent employee assistance program (EAPs) that is available to all employees.  For more details, please contact EAP Manage Health Network at 800-977-7917 www.mhn.advantageengagement.com access code: ESS
HR Benefits: Without a doubt, many of us are feeling anxious as we navigate the uncertainty of COVID-19. We’re feeling it too, and we wanted to share some of the tools we’re using to take care of our minds and stay grounded.

  1. The Happiness LabTen Percent Happier with Dan Harris, Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations Podcasts. Download these podcasts for uplifting messaging, inspiring stories & even scientific research around happiness & daily tips to brighten one’s outlook.
  2. A Way to Achieve your Goals in your Life: In this course, you will learn that self-reflection is the first step to meditate. This method of meditation is very practical and everyone can follow the methodology, as you are guided step by step.
  3. Calm App: Enjoy this curation of content hand-picked to support your mental and emotional wellness through this time
Q: If someone doesn't have a laptop and they have been asked to work from home, will they be provided with the laptop?
A: We want to ensure all our employees are equipped with the right tools to be productive. Please contact your Community Manager or RPM if you need help.

Q: What about the incentive for maintenance staff?
A: At this time, we are not exploring any additional incentive for the maintenance staff.
Q: What are we doing regarding hazard pay?
A: First and foremost, we are very focused on worker safety. We believe all associates must participate in making sure they are doing their work in a proper, safe and approved manner. This means using appropriate PPE for the tasks at hand, proper social distancing at all times, and practicing great hygiene (frequently washing hands, not touching face, etc.).  We have closed our offices to the residents, prospects and vendors. We have shifted our leasing tours to virtual or self-guided. We have modified our maintenance practices to not do work in a unit where a person is sick or has symptoms of being sick, and will only do emergency work orders so long as people are not sick and we ask the resident to leave the home when we do. We will not perform non-emergency work orders regardless of health of the resident. All of these things are designed to make the essential work we do as safe as possible. Hence, the concept of “hazard pay” is not in alignment with our practices. We do not want anyone doing hazardous work and we believe that following our protocols and the guidance of the CDC will keep our workers safe. If you have concerns regarding the safety of the work you are performing, please escalate those concerns to your supervisor or HR so any issues can be promptly addressed.

Q: Will there be layoffs in the near future?
A: While we understand the concern, things continue to evolve at a rapid pace and our main focus is caring for our associates and residents while stabilizing the business.  The full business impact of this pandemic is still to be fully understood. We have implemented a new staffing model/schedule for the onsite teams to keep our teams productive and are revisiting other potential options to expand on this effort. Our priority is to continue to keep the business going.  At this time, we are not evaluating layoffs or furloughs.  If business conditions continue to deteriorate, we will explore other options and communicate with you in transparency.

Q: What are we doing for our employees regarding Covid-19 rental assistances?
A: We are extending the same rental assistance program designed for our residents to our employees who live at Essex communities. Please refer to the email communication sent to all associates on 4/3/20 and posted on BUZZ.  You may also contact your Regional Administrative Assistant for more information.

Q: What if an employee might be sick but not sure if he or she should stay home or come to work?
A: We are encouraging sick employees to stay home.  Employees who have symptoms of flu-like illness are recommended to stay home and not come to work until they are free of fever (100.4° F or higher), signs of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g., cough suppressants). Employees should notify their supervisor and stay home if they are sick. 

Q: What if an employee appears sick at work?
A: Employees who appear to have flu-like symptoms (i.e., cough, shortness of breath) upon arrival to work or become sick during the day should be sent home immediately. We care about the well-being of our employees and are encouraging them to go home if they are feeling unwell.

Q: What if an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19?
A: If an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19, HR should be notified immediately.  The Company will evaluate the best method of informing fellow employees of their possible exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace while maintaining confidentiality as required by state and federal law.  Employees exposed to a co-worker with confirmed COVID-19 should refer to CDC guidance for how to conduct a risk assessment of their potential exposure.

Q: What if an employee must stay home from work to care for a sick family member or due to a school closure in relation to COVID-19?
A: The company encourages employees to stay home if you are sick.  If you need to take care of a sick family member or stay home due to a school closure, please use the Special Circumstances Sick Leave (SCSL) Policy that we are implementing. Employees who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 should notify their supervisor and consult with HR regarding the specific PTO or SCSL addressing COVID-19.
Q: How do we respond to employee concerns about working in a unit vacated by a resident who was known to be infected with the coronavirus?  
A: Essex has established a detailed safety protocol for maintenance employees. Please refer to the communication regarding this posted on BUZZ.

Q: Should we provide face coverings or other items to our employees to protect against COVID-19?
A: The Company is encouraging employees who come to work to wear face coverings. In some jurisdictions, such as the City of LA, essential workers are required to wear face coverings.  The Company is in the process of providing face coverings to on-site staff.  Please refer to the communication distributed on April 10 for instructions on how to make your own cloth face coverings if the Company supplied face coverings have not yet been delivered to your property.  Maintenance staff should wear masks, and other PPE, when performing certain job duties as detailed in communication to Maintenance Staff dated 4/10/20

Q: What is our protocols about communication when one of our employees or residents test positive for COVID-19?
A: As we become aware of any positive results, we work with the specific individual and any other team members as appropriate. Please note there are privacy laws that prohibit from sharing specific information.

Q: What if my children’s school district has implemented school closure due to COVID-19?
A:  You may use PTO or SCSL as needed.  For additional options, please discuss with your supervisor or HR.

Q: Can we use the 40 hours given to us due to anxiety from fear of getting sick?
A: Yes, please use the SCSL hours provided as needed.
Q: Are the 40 hours already allotted to all employees? Where can the 40 hours be located since, I don't see them in my workday?
A: The SCSL hours have been allotted to all employees. Onsite employees receive 40 hour and corporate associates receive 24 hours. Should you need to request time, please follow the same process as requesting PTO and choose the appropriate reason (in Workday). For additional information, please refer to communication regarding Special Circumstance Sick Leave posted on BUZZ on 3/6/20
Q: What is Essex’s PTO and Special Circumstance Sick Leave Policy?
A: On a one-time basis, to address the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on our team members and their families, Essex will be offering a special block of paid sick leave (separate and distinct from any existing PTO or vacation time the employee has available) specifically for use in dealing with illness or school closure related absences. 
Specifically, such sick leave shall be available for Essex associates who need to miss work due to illness, including their own sickness or the sickness of family members for whom the associate is providing care, as well as childcare obligations stemming from school or daycare or other childcare facility closures mandated at the federal, state, or local level, or closures implemented by the daycare provider and/or school district due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  Appropriate documentation of such reasons may be required.

The amount of sick leave provided for these purposes is:
*Corporate - 24 hours.  (*Note: Many corporate employees have the flexibility to work from.  Please consult with your manager to make your decision)
Onsite - 40 hours

This SCSL leave will be requested in Workday per our usual time-off process. Associate will choose reason: “self or family illness” or “school closure - childcare.”  The time off will be tracked on Workday.  Associates wishing to utilize such time are required to provide as much advance notice as practicable, and a sufficient description to place the Company on notice of the time to be used.  Hours paid under this policy shall be paid at the associate’s base rate of pay.

This policy is temporary in nature and may be rescinded by the Company when, in its discretion, the circumstances warrant.  The sick leave provided herein is not considered “earned” and will not be paid out upon termination of employment for any reason.

Q: Will my health insurance cover illness from COVID- 19?
A: Kaiser Permanente and United Healthcare have confirmed that the testing fee for COVID-19 is waived and coverage for illness/hospitalization (if needed) due to COVID-19 is as per individual plans.

Q: What is the best way for you to reduce your risk of getting sick from COVID-19?
A: Do the same things you do to avoid seasonal colds or the flu.  For example,
      - Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (the time it takes to hum “Happy Birthday” twice);
      - Cover your cough or sneeze (use your elbow or shoulder, not your hands);
      - Stay home if you are sick;
      - At this time, avoid handshakes, hugging and observe personal space;
      - Get your flu shot to protect against flu or symptoms similar to COVID-19; and
      - Monitor your health and follow the instructions of public health officials if you experience a fever or other respiratory illness symptoms



January 31, 2022