Essex Excellence Program

Here at Essex, we know what's really important: YOU! We want to show you how much we value and appreciate you with the Essex Excellence Program. In this program, we reward you for your hard work and contributions to Essex with points that can be redeemed for gift cards from fantastic online retailers.

Excellence Cards:
Excellence Cards are a fun and easy way for managers to give spot on rewards as they witness Essex Excellence! Now you can collect these cards all year round, not just during annual reviews or at the end of a large project. You can keep them as reminders for all your hard work by displaying them on your desk or even the work bulletin boards! You and your team should be proud of your accomplishments!

Managers: How do I submit an Excellence Award?

Use the Excellence Rewards Form found below and submit as a ticket in Service Now to “Total Rewards/Benefits”. Please see below, the "How To" guide for submitting awards in Service Now. We ask that you keep the form in the Excel format for easier processing. When creating the message, please write as if you are speaking directly to the associate. Email approvals are accepted, no signature required!

How do the points work?

Think of points as a fun way to play with money! The point ratio is $1 to 40 points. So if you are awarded 1,000 points for being the Community Super Star, you are receiving $25 to redeem for gift cards! There are tons of retailers to chose from. Target, Nordstrom and Best Buy are just a few great examples!

How do I redeem my points?

Click here to access the Essex Excellence Program rewards website. If you have not been registered yet, need a password reset, or have any questions, please submit as a ticket in Service Now to “Total Rewards/Benefits”.

November 12, 2021