Be Prepared for an Active Shooter Event

(Warning: graphic content)


We take the safety and well-being of our associates very seriously and for that reason must address the difficult topic of being prepared in the event an active shooter situation arises. Presented above is a vital and informative video that can help all of us be better prepared. Also listed at the bottom of this page is an informative one-page flyer that highlights useful tips covered in the video.
Statistics show that active shooter situations typically unfold rapidly over the course of 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene. Therefore, it is crucial to be both mentally and physically prepared to deal with the situation.
Please be aware that due to the topic being addressed, the training video features simulated acts of violence which may be disturbing. However, the instructional nature of this video is important enough to encourage you to take the time to view it in the hopes that it helps you prepare for, and respond to an incident, should it ever occur. We recommend all associates view this video as often as you like to keep the content fresh and top of mind.

The first responders on scene will not stop to help the injured. Expect rescue teams to follow the initial officers and treat and remove injured at that time.

Once you are removed from the scene, you will likely be held in an area by law enforcement until the situation is under control and witnesses have been questioned.

Do not leave until law enforcement has dismissed you.
For more information, download the Active Shooter Guidelines flyer or contact

June 18, 2021