Water Conservation


  • Irrigation Controllers (WeatherTrak & Weathermatic): Secure bids, manage installation, subscription services and alerts 
  • Assist onsite teams with any alerts they receive about controller equipment failures

Water Treatment

  • Manage water treatment contract negotiations, installations and ongoing service contracts

Fountain removal/upgrades

  • Analyze viability of fountain removals and upgrades.

Water Savings Opportunities

  • The RM team will research and maintain list of water saving devices
  • Coordinate with onsite teams, vendors, utilities and accounting to install all water saving devices including:
    • High Efficiency toilets
    • Kitchen and bathroom aerator replacements
    • Showerhead replacements
    • Manage and maintain irrigation controllers (PM Svc)
    • Water flow efficiency devices
    • Other water saving upgrades as identified

Pool Solar & Pool Heat Pumps:
Equipment startup-shut down process

  • Pool/Spa system maintenance & startup/shut down service.  Verify correct equipment specifications with Facilities
  • Pool spa startup/shutdown: Pool solar & pool heat pumps need to be correctly start-up and shut down.  Add instructions here, PDF May-Oct.  Rm will email out the second week of April to inform you to start up & shutdown mid-October, depending on weather
  • Intranet notice to properties
  • Email onsite teams to start up and shut down all pool solar and heat pump systems. This will eventually be automated in SightPlan
  • Contract and manage system installations
  • Contract and manage new system installations

As of 2016, California continues to face the worst drought in its recorded history. All water districts are rationing water, with steep surcharges for exceeding the limit. To ensure water conservation compliance and to educate our residents, we have rolled out a water conservation program at all California communities immediately. The plan has two components:


California Water Conservation Updates

California community managers, please find the most recent Water Conservation updates here:


Maintenance Supervisors: Property water conservation

Designated Maintenance Supervisors will be trained on critical water saving concepts and district-mandated restrictions. They will then train other maintenance supervisors and landscapers in their groups. Each maintenance supervisor will conduct biweekly walks and ensure compliance by completing the Water Conservation Program Checklist:



November 18, 2019