Burnout and Stress Management
Stress and burnout are commonly used to describe difficult work-life balance, demanding workload and the eventual overload an individual can take. Research shows that if someone is consistently under stress, eventual burnout is to occur. At Essex, we are committed to helping associates reduce the burdens accompanied by stress and burnout.  Within the 783 comments provided at the May 2021 Engagement Survey, some key words stood out such as “burnout”, “stressed”, “too many priorities”, and “work-life balance”. Steps can be taken to mitigate stress and eventual burnout.  Below are some internal and external resources that can assist.
STEP 1 [ASSESS]: Identify your stress triggers and physical baseline
The first step in taking control of everyday stress is to identify the cause of that stress. Essex offers a free wellness platform called Vitality; a holistic well-being resource for all associates. Within Vitality, there are multiple health resources you can partake in to understand your stress triggers and overall psychological well-being. If you don’t have an account, be sure to register.
  • Complete the Mental Well-Being Review
    • Scores your psychological well-being
    • Helps you identify your stressors
    • Identifies your social support network
  • Complete an annual Biometric Screening (Vitality Check)
    • Screenings are important to help you understand the physical manifestations of stress. Enough sustained mental stress can negatively impact your physical well-being. These screenings reveal BMI, blood pressure, glucose levels and total or LDL cholesterol.
    • Earn Vitality points for completing your Vitality Check.
*Note: The above resources are for personal informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment.

STEP 2 [EDUCATE]: Use the information from step 1 to learn about reducing your stress

  • Vitality
    • In the upper right of Vitality, search for “stress management”. A list of articles and courses will be visible for you to complete to learn how to reduce your stress.

  • Participate in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
    • The EAP can help you through life’s routine challenges such as, stress, anxiety, depression and much more. Best of all, it’s FREE to you AND your family.
    • The plan includes:
      • 5 face-to-face visits
      • Up to 6 telephone wellness coaching sessions
      • Elder/childcare referrals
      • Financial planning
      • And much more!
    • Call 1-800-977-7917 24/7 for assistance
    • Use company code ESS to access content
    • Click through the different tabs to review content on Balancing, Thriving, Working and Living to learn more about hot topics.

STEP 3 [SUSTAIN]: Maintain healthy habits to sustain thriving for the long run
Once you have identified your stressors and have learned how to reduce that stress, the next step is to create an action plan to committing to long-term maintenance of stress reduction. The below resources offered through Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) can help you maintain personal thriving. More resources will be available in the near future.

Self-Care: Remaining Resilient Seminar   Financial Basics Guide
Self-care is critical when attempting to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ensure you make time for yourself to recharge. Click the above image to view a seminar on self-care and resiliency. Use code ESS.     COVID-19 brought on financial challenges for many families. Click on the image above to view a personal finance guide to help you manage your finances.
Remember, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU during these difficult times. If you or your family is going through a rough time, don’t hesitate to inform your supervisor and utilize the resources above. We are all in this together!
August 31, 2021