Maintenance Apparel Program
Essex Annual Maintenance Roll-Out

Managers will choose from two color schemes for their maintenance teams to avoid monochromatic color selections.

Color Scheme #1:
Navy Blue Shirts/Grey Pants

Color Scheme #2:
Grey Shirts/Navy Blue Pants
Within the color scheme each associate shall select the following apparel wardrobe:
6 -Shirts
6 -Pants and/or Shorts (a combination is acceptable with a minimum of 1 pair of pants)
1 -Jacket (3-in-1 Jacket) or 1 Light-weight Jacket and 1 Vest
2 –Hats
Please note that some items are only available within a single color scheme.

To purchase your maintenance badge please use THIS EMAIL FORM. If you have any questions please email


Maintenance Apparel Guidelines:

ICO Work Wear Catalog

Maintenance Apparel Order Form (For CMs to submit only. Please note the form has two tabs, one for each color scheme)


For questions regarding apparel policy or garments, email
For ICO login issues, questions about specific garments, or other non-policy ordering questions, please email

February 11, 2022