Resident Retention

  • Resident Care Packages

    • Create care packages for residents that include necessities like canned goods, snacks, toilet paper. You could also throw in a deck of cards, puzzles, crossword books, etc.
    • Pick one or two of these items or create an entire package for your residents. Either way, pair it with a quick hand-written note to express gratitude and create a sense of community connection. A little bit goes a long way.


  • Laundry Room Credits

    • If your community has shared laundry facilities, offer wash credits to your residents.


  • Virtual Resident Events

    • Organize a virtual event that residents can participate in from the comfort of their homes. Ideas include a fitness class, cooking video, or a movie night. Have your residents take pictures and share on social! (See note below about resident engagement and user-generated content for more ideas.)


  • Support Local 

    • Remind your residents to support local business when possible by sharing a list of local restaurants and cafés that are still open and serving takeout. You might also be able to partner with these local businesses to provide your residents a free delivery, free drink, or side. Reach out; it can’t hurt!
    • Many food trucks are still open! Check with your local trucks to see if they are still offering takeout and share that list with your residents. Some trucks are even offering online ordering during this time to help implement social distancing regulations.


  • Helpful Tricks

    • Meal delivery services like Hello Fresh and Blue Apron are another great service to be using right now. No need to leave the house when your groceries are being delivered to you!


  • Community Flyer

    • If you are active on Facebook, create a flyer to hang in your elevators or at entrances that invite residents to stay connected and follow your social media pages.  


  • Proactive, Ongoing Communication

    • Post or send out weekly newsletters to stay connected and share important updates or fun tips for how they can spend their time. You can include links to online puzzles, crosswords, games, cooking classes, etc.
    • Share helpful, relevant blogs from the Essex website with residents to help spread health and wellness tips during this time! We also have some great blogs on home and living that might spark joy among residents.


  • Offer Pre-Renewal Savings

    • If a resident renews their lease early, offer them a percentage of savings off their next year’s rent.


  • Neighborhood Engagement and User-Generated Content

*To encourage and increase resident participation, offer a gift card to the winner or winners*

  • Scavenger hunt
    • When you’re out walking around the community, try to find hidden items or common themes. Send out the list of hidden items to your residents and have them share their findings on social media by tagging your community!
  • Community Bake-Off
    • Invite your residents to participate in a friendly bake-off with their neighbors. Send a baking kit, or send a recipe to residents and ask them to create elaborate cakes, brownies, cookies, pies, etc. and share them to social media tagging your community.  
  • Pet Costume Contest
    • Invite residents to participate in a pet dress-up competition using the various items they can find in their apartments. Participants can share their pets on social media and tag your community for you to view and repost.
  • Netflix Movie Night
    • Organize a Netflix Party movie night for residents to enjoy on the weekends. Provide a list of Netflix movie recommendations and request residents to vote on their top choice by the end of the week.
  • Neighbor "Give One, Take One"
    • Set up a shelf or space in your elevator lobby or in another easily accessible space for residents to donate essential items for other residents in need. This way, residents can share items they have a surplus of and have access to item that they may be in need of.
  • Unity Lighting/Drawings
    • Ask residents to place lights or drawings in their windows to show solidarity and create a sense of community. Encourage them to take pictures and tag your community so you can repost.
April 24, 2020