Backup and Data Management Policy


The purpose of this policy is to outline the scope and methodology of capturing business data backups and how to request restores.


This policy applies to employees, contractors, consultants, temporary, and other workers at Essex Property Trust, including all personnel affiliated with third parties that store business data on the Panzura File System or Microsoft Sharepoint Online. Business data in scope for data backup is defined as information that is saved using the main file storage services such as network share drives and Sharepoint Online for shared workgroup data.


For each of the main file storage services we rely on the following backup solutions:

  1. Network shared folders using Panzura File System -   Snapshots are scheduled every hour capturing the changed data and copied to Amazon Web Services Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
  2. MS Sharepoint Online (Workgroup Sharepoint Sites)– Syncovery third-party tool is used to capture a full daily data backup and stored using a Microsoft Azure blob storage.  This backup is intended to be used in the case of business continuity.   For the case where recovery of deleted files is needed, deleted files can be restored from first and second stage Recycle Bins.

File Storage

  • All files created during the course of business must be stored on a network drive.
  • Individual workstations are not backed upFor this reason, it is crucial that all users store files on the network share drive, Microsoft Personal OneDrive for Business or the appropriate workgroup Sharepoint site.

Restoration of Data

  • For files stored in network shared folders on the Panzura file system, data backups are retained for 12 months.   If you determine that you need to have a restore performed, contact the IT Service Desk. Please provide the name of the files you need restored, the network drive letter, and folder name
  • For files stored in Sharepoint Online Sites, deleted files are retained according to Microsoft’s standard online services for 93 days from the time the file was deleted from the original location.  If a file is deleted from the Sharepoint Online site (first-stage) Recycle Bin, the deleted file can be recovered from the site collection Recycle Bin for the remainder of the 93 days period.  Sharepoint Online retains backups of all content for 14 additional days beyond actual deletion and can be restored by contacting Microsoft Support during that window.

Last updated:
March 1, 2021

March 19, 2021