Archive "2020" "November"

Gratitude Wall

Archive: November 2020

I am grateful for my loved ones!
Brad Thompson
Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness
I am grateful for technology!
I am grateful for my all the loved ones in my life and my Essex family, who bring me happiness, laughter and love ~ most of the time ;)
Olivia Hahn
I am thankful for my L&D Dream Team!!!
I am grateful for the fresh air and mountains where I can find peace, quiet and just listen to and observe nature... most often with my husband!
Sheena Boone
Very thankful for a dedicated and supportive team
Jason Fooks
Very thankful for a dedicated and supportive team
Jason Fooks
I am grateful for still being employed during these hard times and for the great company we work for.
M Rivers
I am thankful for my family's health and well-being.
I am beyond thankful for working for such a great company...GO ESSEX!!
Morgan Perez
I'm thankful for my team. Each of you are the best of the best. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for all your hard work.
Richard Chapman
I am thankful for my amazing team at Camarillo Oaks!! Along with the whole So Cal family. I have been truly blessed to work with you all and to grow with you! I am going to miss you all while up in the PNW!! Keep pushing and striving for greatness!! So Cal you make Essex great!
Vanessa Candelaria
I am immensely grateful for good health!
I am so grateful for my family and for my health! I am also very grateful for continued employment! I am thankful for my team members who have really rose above every challenge this year with grace!
Jillian Bryant
We're all thankful for our health, families, employment and a great team
Pinnacle on Lake Washington
Beyond grateful for the PNW Floating team and their constant commitment to serving our region. Also, super grateful for my Account Specialist (RRT) team. The bonds we've created in serving our residents are incredible. The amount of effort that has gone into this huge project is admirable - thank you all!
Sheena Boone
I am so thankful for my co worker Jonathan Arevalo!! I just moved from St. Louis Missouri to San Francisco I don't have anyone here so Jonathan is my first friend. He took me in and showed me the Essex way. I couldn't ask for a better person to be my first friend here. There have been so many moment were I wanted to go back home because I felt alone but thanks to Johnny he reminded me why I came and that I will be okay!
I am grateful and thankful to my PMO team. :) Sheri - for your support and encouragement Lisa - for sharing your knowledge generously Donna - for being kind and helpful
I am thankful for the teams that work onsite. You all amaze me! Especially this year which has obviously been so challenging. Thank you for your dedication.
Lisa Scroggin
I am grateful for my continued employment with Essex as well as all the great people I've met within my time here! In a time of uncertainty our leadership provided information, safety for employees and support.
Jose Alvarez
I'm thankful for my team, their dedication, hard work, and customer focus makes us all look good!
I'm thankful for my team! We all work together to achieve our goals and they make coming to work enjoyable. They are an amazing group of people and I am so honored to work with them.
Allegra Sanchez
Thankful for my wife and I being able to get married this year before lockdown! Also thankful for the this company in providing me a great team to work with out in the fields! GO KTOWN!!!!
Dave Giguere
I'm thankful to be working with an awesome IT team! and for a dynamic leader Pat Klein!!
Grateful for IT
I am thankful for my 360 Team and my OG Palm Valley Team.
Brian Cramer
I am so grateful for the hard work and dedication of my entire Leasing Team for the San Diego Collection, you guys Rock!
San Diego Collection Leasing Team
Grateful & thankful for a roof over my head, food for my body and a job that keeps our well-being in mind.
Thank full for family & friends & SoCal weather.
I am thankful for the leadership of Essex. Making sure we have everything we need to succeed. From PPE, Cleaning supplies, and recharge days! Thank You!
I am Thankful for still being employed, an amazing team here at City View and a healthy family.
I am thankful for Robyn Inaba, Lisa Acosta and the Santa Palmia/Palm Valley Team! Robyn nominated me for RRT, thank you! Lisa supported my decision to work with RRT, thank you! And the Santa Palmia/Palm Valley team has also supported me as I left the property to head to RRT. I know they have been working hard to cover my duties while I am away, thank you for your support and all you do!
Raquel Bonilla
I am thankful for working for such a great company during this pandemic and being able to say I love what I do! I am also very thankful for my amazing manager, Simona DeLeon, for being my rock and biggest supporter! I wouldn't be where I am today without her, I am forever grateful!
Lauren Miller
I'm grateful for much this year, as this year has really put what's important in perspective. My team, thank you for always doing your best and being flexible when needed. I'm grateful for the health of myself and family. To my husband and daughter who have kept me happy during the most challenging year I've ever experienced, I'm grateful. To Essex, I'm grateful. To my colleagues whom have made me smile, thank you. I'm grateful! Leading into next year with love in my heart to God always, I'm grateful.
Crystal Rodgers
I am grateful to have been able to spend another year with my family, who is all so healthy! I am grateful for mother earth and all that she provides. I am even more grateful that we have raised far more awareness to these environmental problems we are experiencing and making changes to preserve this beautiful place we call home! I am grateful for my work team who is THE DREAM TEAM!!Overall, I am grateful that each day is a chance to a new start!
Emma <3
The top of my original message was cut off, and I had to thank my team. All of my team porters, maintenance techs, leasing associates, ACM's and CM's! Appreciate you all more than you know.
Crystal Rodgers
I am grateful and thankful to have a son.
Sam Itani
I'm thankful for continued employment with Essex. In all of the uncertainty of the world it is nice to know that our jobs with Essex remain- although it might look a little different. I'm thankful for the 2019 Essex awards, as that is where I met my amazing boyfriend!!!
Allegra Sanchez
While this has been a crazy year, there is so much to be thankful for! My Cambridge Park Team has always been a wonderful support system and through this pandemic, that remains true. My RRT team has helped us navigate these changes with so much positivity and encouragement, and for that I am forever grateful! Thank you Essex for providing such a thriving work culture; it makes getting up and out of bed everyday so much easier. This year has also been full of big and wonderful, personal achievements. I married my favorite person on the planet, we bought a house, AND we're expecting our little girl in February! We are so grateful to everyone who has supported us in these milestones.
I am extremely grateful for my move to California. I have wanted to move back to California for quite some time now. However, I was fearful because everyone in my circle at the time were yelling the cost of living is so high which made me doubt being able to make the move until I've gained a certain level of monetary success in Texas. Fast forward to July of 2020. My best friend moved here 6 yrs ago with nothing and flourished. Two weeks prior to buying a plane ticket, July 2020, and scheduling my car to be shipped, I called my best friend and told her, "Bestie, it's time for me to make that move to Cali." I continued with "Perhaps my savings and credit cards could help me at least get some grounds of a start." She also fronted me some cash to help out with the move. Using her as my model of success helped me do the insurmountable---establish a living in California. With all of that being said, I am inevitably thankful for becoming an addition to the Essex team for being here made the cut of my "Success in California" script. (lol) Thanks so much Essex!
I am thankful for all the wonderful people in my life! Family, friends and co-workers. I am grateful everyday for the blessings in my life!
I am grateful for my COLLECTIONS team showing perseverance, strength and patience during this challenging time.
I am grateful for Leslie Pollack for asking questions first and withholding judgment during a time that was very difficult at times for me.
I am Grateful for my Family, My work Family and to be part of an amazing company. I am very Thankful to everyone who inspires me daily and continue to push me out of my comfort zone. Together we are Better! Stay Healthy Mi Gente!
Maggie Angulo
I am thankful for my fiancé, my sons, my friends, my RRT Team and my amazing RPM Davina who nominated me to be on the RRT and continues to support me. I am thankful to work for a company that went out of the way to help residents when they needed us most. I am thankful to be that little bit of relief for our residents. I am thankful to be on a team with so many amazing people. Happy Holidays Everyone!
Amanda Brown
I am Grateful and Thankful for working for such an amazing company as Essex, and for being part of such a wonderful Team.
Mary Mckinny
I am grateful that myself, my kids, and family are all still healthy. I am also grateful for Essex, and still being employed.
I am grateful for the family of friends at Essex
Mary Quinn
This year particularly, I am grateful to walk into offices with smiling faces, words of encouragement and positivity during a challenging year for ALL. Thank you!
Jessica Luna
I am grateful for the love and laughter of the Dream Team
Mary Quinn
I am grateful for the love and laughter of the Dream Team
Mary Quinn
HOLA!!!! I'm happy ....happy ....and grateful to work with such nice people. Essex is a good company with very happy ...happy ...people. I love to be part of this happy...happy ...happy team!!! And no matter what and keep smiling.... it works :)
Elizabeth Rosas
I am thankful for 1. To see a new day. 2. My family that has remained healthy and sane this year :) 3.Thankful to work for a company that is giving every employee the opportunity to enjoy an extra day with their families & to rest up the day after Thanksgiving.
Cynthia M.
I am thankful for everything I have in my life!
I am thankful for my Aviara Team making through the ups and downs of 2020!
Bianca Tran
I am very THANKFUL to have the family support from my husband and son. Even though I won't be able to be with my family in my home state for the holidays, I am very THANKFUL for my Essex family! My team has been my family! Through the changes of 2020, grateful how supportive we are with one another and how we continue to adapt. Love you all and our dance stretch time to get down and boogie!
Jackie Mod
I am grateful and thankful I was able to bring my beautiful baby home from the NICU after almost losing her. I am thankful for all the staff at Kaiser that made the decision for my emergency c section that saved my her little life. I am forever grateful for my family that was there to cheer me up while being away from my baby! Finally thankful for being able to return to work during this pandemic.
Stephanie Villegas
I am grateful for so much. God comes first, for all things in my life are only possible through Him. I am grateful for the day I met my husband because from THAT day forward everything changed for me. He is my center and in a roundabout way, it was because of him that I came to be part of the Essex family. I am so grateful for all of my experiences here, all of the wonderful people I have had the grace to be able to work alongside for the past 20 years. Every single one of you, from my first team at Kings Road, to my current L&D Team, and all the people in between, whether we have collaborated on a project or just had coffee together (I have connected with so many) and each of you has made a difference in my life. I am grateful for my 5 beautiful, talented, and intelligent children. I am grateful to be on a perpetual learning path and try to see the lesson in each experience. Finally, my Dream Team, Mary, Rebecca, Bethany, and Regina, I couldn't ask for a more talented, prudent, tenacious, and brilliant team of people to work with on a daily basis. You make the work worth it, thank you!
Tami Whalen
I am grateful for Corbella and Slater working together to get things done. All my fellow employees, and leaders are great!
I am grateful for Corbella and Slater working together to get things done. All my fellow employees, and leaders are great!
My family is the most important thing to me and I have been very blessed with a lovely husband, amazing parents, wonderfully hilarious brothers and the best kid ever. My husband works so hard to make sure our family is happy and cared for. He is kind and compassionate and the most amazing father. Our son absolutely adores him. I'm so thankful for them everyday.
Sandra Hernandez
I am grateful for my relationship with God. I am grateful for my husband Mike who I love unconditionally. I am grateful for my daughter Leah who is so intelligent. I am grateful for my son Aaryn who is my hero and has taught me to not take life's precious moments for granted. I am grateful for Essex and the fact that I get to work for a company that I love everyday! I am grateful for my health and the health of my family. I am grateful for all my friends!
Jen Adams
I am thankful for the supportive friends and family that have supported me through good and challenging times.
Mary Quinn
I am grateful for my mom and my wife and the rest of my family that are spread out throughout the country. I am thankful they are all healthy.
Sandy Ramirez
I am grateful for my family and friends and my Essex family! I love my team!
I am grateful for my family, my Essex team, my friends, the health of my loved ones, and that I am able to work for such an amazing organization!
Cynthia C.
Grateful for the simple fact of being alive today. It didn't have to be that way, and isn't that way for many people for various reasons. I take a moment daily to remember this, and it easily clears my palate of ever taking the simplistic pleasure of breathing for granted.
M.R. Brown
I am thankful for my husband. He is the most supportive person I know. I am also thankful to work with a group of people I can rely on! We all keep each other sane during this crazy "new normal"
Chelsea L
I am gratefully blessed with health, love, family, friends, laughter, compassion, housing, food, employment and my coworkers! No complaints, simply joyful in accepting things I cannot change; the courage and commitment to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
Simona D.
I am grateful for all of the wonderful people in my personal and professional life. I have an amazing supervisor, Lisa and I have an amazing team. My peers in her portfolio are lovely as well. Essex is such a great company with amazing leadership. I am truly grateful to work with such admiral people.
Amy Forth
I am a very THANKFUL and BLESSED for my HEALTH, WORK and most important my FAMILY! without those I wouldn't be here today. I wake up every morning with a big smile and ready for another!
I’m thankful for waking up to a loving, healthy, and blessed family. Thankful for the laughter, the struggles, the love, and everything in between. I’m grateful for my extended ESSEX FAMILY, for being part of a selfless group of people that have helped each other, this year more than ever, and together we have been able to accomplish great things. To my team, THANK YOU for being so amazing!
Nubia Mora
I am grateful for all the wonderful opportunities Essex has provided to me this year. I am lucky to work with the amazing DTLA teams who inspire me every single day!
Raechel Bihr
I am grateful to work for a company that cares on so many levels. I am thankful for an amazing boss, wonderful site teams and awesome support departments. Thank you to my husband and kids who put up with me on a daily basis
I am very proud and grateful to work for Essex! during the pandemic you could tell leadership had "people" in mind. I want to send love out to my Essex family that helped get me through hard times and personal losses this year. I also look at the positive side of COVID which is that is has allowed me the opportunity to spend more time with my family and appreciate all the things we often take for granted.
I am so incredibly grateful for my team. You make my job easier, my days brighter and I know together we can accomplish anything. Thank you!
Jenifer Bulskov
There is so much to be grateful for this year despite the trying time. I am thankful for local businesses, time with family, and working onsite to support our residents. I am so grateful that I was raised with exposure to this industry and I am able to work for such an amazing company.
Shelby O'Shea
I am grateful for the abundance in my life... Family, Health, Colleagues, Nature...
Sudarshana Rangachary
I am very grateful that our job industry is essential so we've been able to continue working this year. I appreciate that not everyone has been able to do that so we are very lucky. My husband has been off since March and I am so grateful to him for all his support as I've transitioned to working from home.
Sam Tamboline
I am very grateful for my wonderful, healthy, close-knit family and friends! With the pandemic, my teenagers are home more and I am loving it. (them, not so much, lol) I am so grateful to be part of the Essex family for 23 years! I absolutely love the company, the leaders and my co-workers. I feel closer than ever with my colleagues seeing them 3-4 times a week on zoom calls. With the world going crazy, Essex did not. I appreciate everyone working long hours, late into the evenings, to make sure everything ran smooth for the on-site teams. Recently, I am grateful for my new little 8 week old Jack Russell puppy, Roxy. She is hyper and keeping us very busy while we are staying home through the pandemic.
Ashley Standen
I am so grateful for my health this year. I also want to shout out my thanks to my team here at Connolly Station & all of Team Dizon/Liclican for always showing up to accomplish amazing results this year! So thankful for all of you!
Racquel Astronomo (Connolly Station)
I am grateful to have my loving husband Andre Brancheau that I can share my life with!
Melinda Brancheau
I am grateful to social media (FaceTime) which keeps my in contact with my 3 grandbabies out of state!
Melinda Brancheau
Thank you Essex and the Village it takes to make it all happen. Thanks to my family, our heath and the basic necessities we are able to maintain through this 2020 roller coaster.
Suzie R
I am grateful for the incredible leadership and support from Nicole Conrad and Ben Egge.
Nathan Wise
I'm thankful for my family, friends and my work family! I've been very blessed this year and I'm grateful.
I'm grateful for good health and for being part of the Essex family
Eniola Alitoro
I am thankful for every single day waking up healthy with my family and a great job here with all the E-Team
Fernando Vargas
I am very thankful for working for such wonderful company, I am very thankful for the leadership of Essex, all my team member, my supervisor, manager. I am very thankful for the health and my family , friends. :)
Christina Ellis
Thank you everyone here in the LA Corp office! I am so happy when I see your faces pop up on Zoom events! You all are my pride and joy and I appreciate your support and participation. Cheers!
Sherri Chesnutt
I'm grateful for the health and wellbeing of myself, my family and friends, and co-workers. I'm grateful for working for such a great company. I'm grateful for WFH!
Today I am grateful for family members and friends that love and support me.
I'm grateful for my health, my family, employment during these difficult times, and my wonderful L&D team for their support and recognition! :)
I am grateful for my health, family and friends. This is my first year working for Essex and it has been nothing short of awesome. I am especially grateful to work with such such amazing people everyday and be apart of the Essex family. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Thanks to the Office Services team for the fun event today and last month on Halloween! :)
Thank you for making thankfulness the focus for the week! This was energizing and inspiring. To all who helped to organize this week - I thank you from the bottom of my heart. To all of you who shared stories, videos, and kindness, you have inspired me. I will take this through the season and into 2021!
Tami Whalen
I am grateful for the health and love from my family and friends!
I am so very grateful for the support of those around me during these difficult times. My friends, family, coworkers, and the whole Essex team have truly made me feel valued and appreciated. I feel lucky to have such an amazing team by my side who I know I can always count on.
Shania H.