
Social Media 101 & 102 Presentations & FAQs

Social Media 101:

Social Media 101 Webinar:

Social Media 102:

Social Media 102 Webinar:

Facebook Overview

Facebook pages are a fun way to share and engage with our residents and prospects. Our pages also play an important role in Essex’s overall Marketing and Reputation Management strategy. Through Facebook pages, it is our goal to:

  • Create a sense of community
  • Show value for residents
  • Reinforce positive sentiments and resident satisfaction
  • Personalize and humanize each community

Marketing has written guidelines and a quick posting guide as tools for communities to reference as they manage their pages. You’ll find tips and best practices, such as what to post, how often to post, and other helpful information. Reach out to marketing@essex.com for more information on managing your community’s page.

Why is Facebook Important?

Facebook is a powerful communication tool for residents and prospects. Many communities use it to share news about resident events or other goings on at the communities.
Facebook also directly supports reputation management goals as prospects and residents can leave reviews, rate their experience at the community, as well as send messages with questions or concerns.
Regularly updated and active Facebook pages help our search engine rankings and increase reach to prospective residents. 

How Can I Manage a Community Facebook Page?

Anyone interested in managing their community’s Facebook page should let Marketing know and proceed with the following steps:

  1. Reach out to marketing@essex.com to let us know you are interested in managing a Facebook page for your community.
    1. We ask that you do not create your own Facebook page as Marketing needs to integrate multiple systems, which allow Essex to track Reputation Management ratings and analytics for paid campaigns.
  2. Read and Sign Guidelines (REQUIRED)
    1. Any community staff members who will be contributing to Facebook page posts are required to read and sign the Facebook Guidelines.
      1. Read the Guidelines:
      2. Read the quick guide for posting tips:
    2. Send guidelines with signature(s) to marketing@essex.com.
  3. Provide marketing@essex.com with the email address associated with your Facebook account.
  4. After confirming receipt of signed Facebook Guidelines, Marketing will add you as a page editor, and you can start posting on behalf of your community.

What Resources Are Available for Facebook Pages?

May 6, 2020

Last updated:
May 06, 2020