Community Action Items Pending Knoah Call Center Roll Out + Team Lunch Contest

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
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Attention: All Leasing Office Associates

From the 11/29 E-Hour: To support transition to the Knoah Contact Center, leasing office associates will need to update all current Craigslist Ad templates, outreach flyers, and resident referral flyers with new ad source numbers. We will also no longer be supporting emails for Craigslist due to negligible historic traffic. 

What needs to be updated?

  • All ad source tracking numbers indicated in:
    1. Craigslist Ad Templates
    2. Outreach Flyers
    3. Resident Referral Flyers
  • All Craigslist emails will be removed from Craigslist Ad Templates.

Who is responsible for updating these items?

  • Leasing office associates at each community.


What is the reason for updating these items?

  • All properties will transition to the Knoah Contact Center, and we will be phasing out our relationship with Level One.
  • This involves switching Level One-specific phone numbers to those that track to Knoah.
  • As such, all Level One Tracking Numbers indicated in Craigslist ads, outreach flyers, and resident referral flyers must be updated to Knoah Tracking Numbers prior to rollout.
  • Note: Outreach and resident referral flyers may not display any numbers, in which case no updates are necessary.

What is the deadline for completing these updates?

  • All communities should complete this task by EOD Wednesday, December 13.
  • Marketing will provide support as needed. Craigslist ads will be audited in the coming weeks to ensure the updates have been made, and you are receiving all Craigslist leads. If your community’s tracking number has not been updated, Marketing will send a friendly reminder email.

How should the Craigslist Ad templates and Outreach or Referral Flyers be updated?

How to win!!!

  • After completing the required steps as noted in the job aid, submit your best Craigslist Ad to by Wednesday, December 20.
  • The prize? You will be eligible to win a catered lunch for your whole team!
  • Ads will be judged on appeal, relevancy, and completeness.
  • See examples of well-written Craigslist Ads on Buzz under Marketing > Internet Marketing Resources > Craigslist, then scroll to “Craigslist Sample Ads” on the right.
  • One contest submission per community, please.
  • We’ll notify the winning community on Wednesday, December 27.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017 - 14:30

Last updated:
December 13, 2017