We Are Driven By Purpose & We Embrace Honesty

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Our values inspire our behaviors, and our behaviors reinforce our values—the interplay in a continual loop. We Are Driven By Purpose motivates us to put our energies into impactful actions. Knowing that there is a goal we are working to achieve and that everything we do is in line with accomplishing that goal. When we understand our purpose, we can see how our actions connect to it and move us forward.
To understand our purpose, We must Embrace Honesty by asking tough questions and being transparent in actions and ideas with those around us. Working in a silo creates discontent and fear, but being honest with ourselves and others, gains perspective and support rapidly. It is then we move forward, driving us towards our common purpose.
Even though these are two of our Essex behaviors, it does not mean that they come easy all the time. Adjusting our behaviors and growing our ability to engage with transparency takes effort. It will take opening ourselves up to feedback plus connecting early and often with others to ensure we are aligned and supported in our efforts.
Take a moment and think about your recent interactions. Was Honesty embraced? Did we share feedback and ask for more information? Did we clearly understand the purpose and how it impacts what we are trying to achieve overall? If yes, you are on the right track and continue to embrace these behaviors. If not, then now’s the time to adjust. Think of what you could have done to enhance the interaction or embody the behaviors.
It is up to each of us to focus on mastering these behaviors. As we grow these skills as individuals, it will create a more profound strength with the Essex team. The first step is yours. 

Have comments or questions you would like to share? Please feel free to reach out to EssexNEXT@essex.com.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 16:45

Last updated:
February 08, 2022