August Online Results - Reported by Region!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018
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Attention: All On-site Associates

Each month, we share the list of communities who topped the leaderboard in online adoption. Now we have another way to slice the data - by region!

Online Adoption by Region

Curious how your community stacks up against others in your region in online adoption?  View the spreadsheet to see the results by region:

A quick peek at the data reveals that PNW is making a very strong showing with their online adoption numbers. The portfolio of Jillian Bryant in particular shows top adoption rates, with several communities scoring 90% or above for online payments and work orders. Not to be left behind, Davina Slusher's and Lisa Scroggins' portfolios improved an already solid performance in work orders while also experiencing gains in online payments.

All portfolios are showing a sharp uptick in overall online adoption, with very few cases falling significantly month-over-month. Who will push through the 2018 goals in September?

How to Encourage Online Adoption

A reminder that the best way to move the dial in online adoption is by educating your residents about how easy it is to submit payments and work orders online. You can provide reminders by:

  • Using Site Manager to invite unregistered residents to use Rentcafé 
  • Posting the Mobile App flyer throughout your community
  • Leaving the Mobile App flyer in apartment homes with each completed service request 

Questions About Your Numbers?

Please direct specific questions about your community's results to Christa Leary at CLeary@essex.

Friday, September 21, 2018 - 15:18

Last updated:
October 10, 2018