PayScan Report File Details

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, September 2, 2015

PayScan reports are now updated every Monday and will be acting as a rolling report until the monthly report is finalized.

In each individual Regional folder you will find reports named in two different ways:
1.      Invoice Register Analytics XX-2015 (Final)
- On the 8th day of the following month, the report will be closed and finalized (i.e. the April monthly report will close on May 8th). No more disputes may be claimed after this date.
- Once the report is closed, it will be added into the folder with XX month attached to the file name.
2. Invoice Register Analytics 2015
- This is the active report (Rolling Report) users will access to save changes, submit disputes and view current status of the month.
- All submitted disputes can only be made and saved by directly accessing the file in the common drive.


Last updated:
September 02, 2015