Local Ordinance Review to be completed in LMS

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Thursday, August 6, 2015

Attention, all Division Managers, Regional Portfolio Managers, Area Managers and Community Managers!  To help ensure that our on-site teams understand what is required by their local governments, we have compiled a list of local ordinances and documentation for every community. If you are a DM, RPM, AM or CM you are already signed up to review these documents in LMS.  Please complete this review in LMS by September 14, 2015. 

All Division Managers, Regional Portfolio Managers, Area Managers and Community Managers will be required to review the local ordinances documentation at three points in time:
1)     At hire
2)     When they become responsible for a community in a different area
3)     Annually to be aware of any updates  

Local Regulations
These handbooks focus on local regulations that are specific to the multi-family rental housing industry, specifically:
1)     Habitability Ordinances
2)     Inspection Ordinances
3)     Mediation Ordinances
4)     Noise Ordinances
5)     Parking Limitations
6)     Pool Regulations
7)     Local Recycling/Composting Requirements
8)     Relocation Benefits
9)     Rent Control
10)  Security Deposit Interest Requirements
11)  Smoking Regulations
12)  Termination Procedures
a.     Including: Local Notice Requirements and Just Cause
13)  Unit Registration Requirements
14)  Utility Billing Regulations
The handbook is organized alphabetically first by county and then by city.  For California specifically, to jump to a particular jurisdiction, just click on the heading in the Table of Contents. If you are using Adobe Acrobat, you can also use the bookmarks to jump to specific sub-topics within each city. We have also created a Table of Contents by property for ease of reference.
City-Specific Action Items
There is an Action Items Summary for each of the 70 cities, which highlights the local regulations most relevant to the on-site teams such as special notice requirements, lease language, smoking rules, etc. Each of those items, and more, is then explained in the subsequent sections for each city.
Action Items
1. Log in to LMS
2. Launch the CA or WA Local Jurisdiction handbook from the “My Current Training” section
3. Use the Table of Contents to find the section that applies to your community/communities. Scroll down to the page indicated. (Note: For the CA handbook, click on the page number to jump to the top of the section for that city/county).
4. Read the ordinances that apply to your county or city
5. When you are done, close the handbook
6. From the top bar under the Learning Bridge logo, click on “My Training”
7. Click on “View My Completed Training”
8. Next to the CA or WA Local Jurisdiction handbook click “Mark Complete”
9. Click “Acknowledge” to confirm that you read and understood the section that pertains to your community/communities.
10.  If during your review you become aware of something that applies to your City or County that is not currently in practice, please complete the included questionnaire and send it to Legalops@essex.com.
A record of your review will be sent to your Supervisor.
Note that there are also specific jurisdictional addenda that will be uploaded to On-Site.  Please check your lease packet to see whether the jurisdictional addendum is live in On-Site, and if not, please indicate that the addendum needs to be activated on the questionnaire that you complete and send to legalops@essex.com.  Legal will work with Lisa Demeter to ensure the appropriate addendum is available for your corresponding lease packet.
 If you have any questions about Learning Bridge, please contact LMSHelp@essex.com.
For questions about the ordinances, please contact Legalops@essex.com.

Last updated:
August 17, 2015