Want to sign more leases and earn more commissions? We have a new training series for you!

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Essex is committed to helping you grow your skills and career, which is why Training is excited to announce the launch of Sales Skills in the Learning Bridge!

Up first is our Closing Series. These web-based classes are interactive, fun and fast. And when you’re done, you’ll be able to overcome objections, close with confidence and follow-up like a pro.

Take these classes in any order, and at your own pace. They’re just a short 15 minutes each and will be added to Tier 1 for all new hire Leasing Specialists. But we recommend that everyone take these classes – they’ll help you sign more leases and earn more commissions during our heavy leasing season.

You and your teams will help characters Caroline, Luke and Max close the sale over a series of three classes: Closing with Confidence, Overcoming Objections and Follow-Up.  Log on to the Learning Bridge and start taking your sales skills to the next level


What if I’m not a Leasing Specialist? You will also have these courses available in the Learning Bridge. It is recommended that everyone take them as we’re in the heavy leasing season.

What if I’m already done with Tier 1? Never fear! Your completion status won’t change. Instead, you will be enrolled in these three courses in addition to your Tier 1 and will have an additional 90 days to complete them.

How do I find these courses if they’re not in my Tier 1? Great question!

Step 1) Log in to the Learning Bridge.

Step 2) Find Sales Skills under the Featured Training pod on the main screen:

Step 3) To sign yourself up, click on Request. To sign up a team member, click Assign:

Step 4) The My Training tab will open and the Sales Skills curriculum will be in the transcripts. Click on Open Curriculum and take the courses! That’s all there is to it!

Last updated:
July 08, 2015