Password Policy Update

Wednesday, May 23, 2018
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Attention: All Associates

Password Changes

Fewer password changes, with a more secure password! Our new password policy goes into effect May 24, 2018. Please see the updated policy here.

Essex is committed to providing safe and secure access to all systems. These systems are governed by unique user identification and passwords created by each Essex team member. To this end, password expiration is going from 45 days to 180 days and increasing the character length from 8 characters to 11 characters.  The additional 3 characters in the password significantly reduces the vulnerability and enhances the time for hackers to break a password. 

A typical 8-character password could be hacked in approximately one month and an 11-character complex password extends the time a hacker would need to over 10 years! 

Execution of change

There is no immediate action you need to take. Beginning May 24, you will be prompted at your next password expiration to create a longer password.

Test New Password Choices

If you are curious how secure your new password maybe, please visit: The site allows you to enter password combinations and estimates the amount of time needed to hack or guess your password. 

If you have any questions, please contact

Friday, March 2, 2018 - 11:59

Last updated:
June 20, 2018