Upcoming Changes to Your Essex 401k

Wednesday, May 16, 2018
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Attention: All Associates

What’s Changing?
Beginning July 2, our new retirement recordkeeper – the institution tasked with the day-to-day management of our company’s retirement accounts – will change from PNC Bank to Fidelity. We are making this change after evaluating the service and benefits provided by retirement industry leaders and have selected the one we feel best meets the needs of our associates. Retirement benefits offered, including eligibility requirements and matching, will not be affected by this change. Associates will gain the benefit of the enhanced features Fidelity offers through their website and phone applications allowing for greater flexibility and easier management of associate retirement accounts.
Is There Action I Need to Take?  
This is a behind-the-scenes change and there is no immediate action required from you. You will receive print communications from Essex HR regarding the details of this change. You will notice that future print mailings about managing your retirement plan will come from Fidelity, instead of PNC Bank.
If you have additional questions, please contact benefits@essex.com.

Monday, May 8, 2017 - 13:43

Last updated:
June 13, 2018