Updates to Our HD Online Portal

Wednesday, February 14, 2018
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We’ve been working diligently with HD Supply to standardize specifications for our online portal, while also reducing costs.

As a result, our custom website has been updated with a new look and menu to locate our preferred products. Please note the entire HD Supply catalogue is still available at discounted rates if you cannot find what you are looking for in the Essex Preferred items.

Why Are We Making These Changes?
This change will provide better pricing on maintenance materials and help increase cost savings for onsite teams.

How Do I Navigate Through the Updated Site?

  1. Log in using your unique login and password
  2. Scroll down to the Essex preferred products
  3. Choose a list of Essex products fitting your property’s needs
  4. Add them to your shopping cart
  5. Once you have finished shopping, proceed to checkout, per usual

Please contact HD Supply Representative at Brian.Ouellette@hdsupply.com or Sarah Judd at sjudd@essex.com.

Friday, February 9, 2018 - 14:48

Last updated:
March 07, 2018