Gabriel Centeno Rescues a Dog and Demonstrates Exceptional Service

Wednesday, February 7, 2018
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In a truly heartwarming story, Bookkeeper Gabriel Centeno from Hillcrest Park, recently demonstrated exceptional customer service for a resident – and fido.  

When a resident’s dog went astray from its apartment, Gabriel came to the rescue.  He was able to apprehend the dog to safety and took him to the leasing office.

Sadly, the dog had sustained a small abrasion near its paw. Gabriel played veterinarian for the day, and took the time to bandage up the dog’s paw to avoid further injuries.  When the resident picked up her dog, she was thankful and appreciative of Gabriel taking such great care of her dog.

“Gabe exemplified the meaning of providing ‘above and beyond’ customer service,” said Senior Assistant Manager Jessica Schultz. “The Hillcrest Park team is grateful and commends his quick-thinking actions.”

Thursday, February 1, 2018 - 15:24

Last updated:
May 04, 2018