Make Ready Dates & Default Days: Avoiding Common Issues by Understanding Yardi Logic

Wednesday, October 4, 2017
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Attention: All On-Site Associates

From the 10/4 E-Hour, Operations has been made aware of recurring issues regarding Make Ready Dates and Default Days in Yardi. These common errors can be avoided by better understanding logic in Yardi. With your team, please review the below points to better understand Yardi logic and current workarounds.

What’s the problem?

  • System reverts to default day. When a make ready date is adjusted, due to Yardi logic, any change to the status of the unit will cause the “Date Ready” field to revert back to the default “Make Ready Date.”.
  1. This can result in a unit being rented for a date it isn’t ready.
  2. This also affects pricing accuracy.
  • Understanding which events cause a change to the adjusted Make Ready Date. By better understanding how the make ready date is generated, move-in dates and pricing remain accurate.
  • We’re actively working directly with Yardi to permanently fix this issue. But until then, we’ll need to be aware of this behavior.

What is important to understand about Make Ready Dates?

  • Potential move-in date. The make ready date equals a potential move-in date. 
  • Make Ready Date doesn’t include Turn Date. The Make Ready Date is also the first day a move- in could occur, so Maintenance teams should not schedule anything on this day. The maintenance team has through the day before The Make Ready Date to complete turn activities.
  • Make Ready Date doesn’t include Move-out Date. The default make ready date does not include the move-out date. However, the default make ready date does count the make ready date as a potential move-in date.
    • For example, if the move-out day was August 31 and the property has a 5-day default make ready date, then the site would have from September 1-September 4 to turn the unit, since September 5 is a potential move-in date.


  • Yieldstar Prices.
    • Yieldstar prices are based on the Date Available field from Yardi. It is important to note that the Date Available field is set by the Make Ready Date.
    • Prospects can hold the unit online at the price quoted by Yieldstar for a move-in date as early as the Date Available field in Yardi.
  • Adjusting the Make Ready Date.
    • Once a resident gives notice, the MS should review the details and acknowledge the default make ready date or adjust it as needed.
    • If the make ready date is adjusted, any change to the status of the unit will cause the make ready date to revert to the default Make Ready Date.
      • Why is this important? Pricing is determined by the unit available date, so an accurate date is imperative.
    • Important considerations: holidays, office closure days, and staffing should all be considered when adjusting make ready dates.
  • Default Make Ready Dates. Maintenance Supervisors should not accept the default make ready dates if they know they can turn the units faster. Essex and Yardi are currently working on a solution for this. Until this is resolved, please continue to ensure that make ready dates are adjusted at the time of notice and are kept current.
    • For example, if the property has a default date at 7 days, but the MS feels they can turn the unit in 5 days, they will adjust the make ready date at the time the unit goes on notice. When the residents moves out, the status of the unit changes from Occupied On Notice to Vacant. This status change causes the make ready date to revert to the default of 7 days, and another manual adjustment is needed to change it back to 5 days.

Questions on Default Make Ready Date?
For questions regarding your property’s default make ready date, please reach out to your RPM. 

Monday, October 2, 2017 - 18:15

Last updated:
October 18, 2017