10K-A-Day Wellness Challenge: Team Name Voting + Weekly Drawing Winners

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Attention: All Associates

Weekly Prize Drawing Winners
For the first time ever, we're awarding prizes throughout the competition! Each week, two lucky associates will score 1,000 reward points, which is equivalent to $25. Woohoo! As long as you're registered for the challenge, you are eligible for these weekly prize drawings.

Who won this week? Check out the above video to see! (Note: Please use Chrome to view, not IE).

Team Name Voting
In addition to our fitness challenge, the E-Team has also been exercising our creativity! Starting now, all associates may vote for which team names you find the "Most Inspiring," "Funniest," and "Most Creative." For the winning team in each category, team members will each win $10 in reward points and score an additional entry into the grand prize drawing. 

Weekly Wellness Tip: The Benefits of Fitness Trackers
Why are fitness trackers beneficial during fitness challenges or useful with daily fitness routines? Fitness trackers like  Fitbit, Garmin, Jawbone, Movable and Yoo help with action planning, goal setting and holding yourself accountable to reach those goals with daily reminders.

And remember, your activity tracker can upload your progress to the 10K-A-Day app! Download the app from iTunes or Google Play.

More Details under Wellness
Head over to the Wellness section on Buzz for complete details on the fitness challenge, including FAQ's and a list of all the fab prizes you can win.

Got Questions?
We’ve got answers at  benefits@essex.com.

Friday, May 12, 2017 - 09:54

Last updated:
July 19, 2017