2017 Awards Gala: Dates & Criteria

Wednesday, January 18, 2017
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The 2017 Awards Gala is coming this spring. Essex Awards are designed to celebrate the achievements of our greatest asset—YOU!

Awards and Criteria
All 2016 Award winners will be presented at the Awards Gala. Some of the awards include Rookie of the Year, Star Leaser, Maintenance Supervisors of the YearCorporate Associate of the Year, and more.

To view all awards criteria, view this PDF: 

For those awards with nomination criteria, nomination forms will be sent out soon.

Gala Events
There will be three Galas held to recognize each region. Look for your invitation by the end of January.

  • Southern California - Friday, March 3
  • Pacific Northwest - Friday, March 24
  • Northern California - Tuesday, April 18

Reminder: Dress Attire at the Gala Events
For our Gala Events, teams should wear E-Apparel. Please use discretion as this is a company event.

Please contact your Regional Admin or marketing@essex.com.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 - 14:30

Last updated:
March 06, 2017