Thanks for your Yardi feedback!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016
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A major milestone towards our goal of launching Yardi Voyager 7S is fast approaching, and we have some exciting project updates for you.
Testing is on schedule
We’re still on track to complete testing by our November 18 target! Thanks once again to the many associates who have been assisting with this very important task.
Thanks for your Yardi feedback!
Recently we asked you to share with us what frustrates you about Yardi, and we want to say thanks for your honest feedback. We received 200 data points, which are already under review by our internal project team.
In the weeks to come, we’ll highlight in these updates which of your concerns will be addressed in tandem with the rollout. Keep an eye out for your name – we’ll also give a shout-out to the associate(s) that shared this feedback with us!
Yardi 7S enhancement we’re excited for: Advanced Reporting Functions
Not sure where to find a report in Yardi? Yardi 7S has got you covered! Best of all, this news applies to ALL associates.
The location of reports in Yardi 7S will change … for the better! There will be a new reporting role that houses all of the Yardi reports in one easy-to-use location.

In addition, the savvy search function will save you time and effort! Start typing in a report name, and suggested report types as well as their location, will appear.

Shout out to Kayla Stevens of Slater 116 and Myra Grant of Brookside Oaks for their feedback on Yardi reporting!
Expect more updates + Feedback
In the time leading up to launch, we’ll continue sharing regular updates via email and Buzz.
You’re always welcome to send questions and comments to  

Friday, November 11, 2016 - 16:00

Last updated:
December 21, 2016