Work Order Management Training Recap

Wednesday, November 2, 2016
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Maintenance Job Aids on Buzz 
Everything presented at the Work Order Management Training Series at the CM/MS event is available to you on Buzz under Maintenance > Maintenance Job Aids.

Key Highlights
We'd also like to highlight key takeaways from the meeting, as we expect you to pay this forward by training your team.
The Miscellaneous category – Knowing what kinds of repairs we’re seeing out there provides us the ability to identify potential training needs, or information that can be used to purchase certain tools. We’re planning on removing the category from Yardi all together, but in the meantime, please discontinue its use. If there seems to be a missing sub-category, please send those to Steven Steele for review. 
Date, Initial, Note (DIN) format – When making notes in your work order completion details, follow the DIN format. This allows anyone in the company to quickly jump into a work order to see what’s going on, and what’s going to occur next. Remember, the more details the better!
Service Request – For those of you creating resident work orders, use the Service Request function, not the Add Work Order function. Remember, the former option presents you with the resident’s work order history while you’re creating the work order. This is important because you can identify recurring issues and see if there’s an existing open work order for the repair that’s being called in. For more information and a video tutorial, see the Work Order Creation Guidelines page. 

Work Order Statuses – As a company we process around 30,000 work orders every single month, with 4,000 open at any given time, so understanding what’s going on or has already occurred with those is crucial information to have. We introduced a standard work order life-cycles chart discussing this, but the major change here is the discontinuation of “In-Progress.” We want work orders to either go to “Scheduled” for internal work orders that you want to show up on the Mobile Maintenance, or “Assigned to Contractor” for work orders awarded to vendors. For more information and a video tutorial, see the Work Order Management page. 

What happens next
In the coming weeks we’ll be meeting with the RPM groups to review work orders to see any properties not consistently following what was taught at the events.  As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to Steven Steele

Tuesday, November 1, 2016 - 09:00

Last updated:
November 30, 2016