Skyline team Saves the Day

Wednesday, October 26, 2016
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Earlier this month, on a Sunday night, Skyline was notified that SCE would conduct a power outage. The outage was to last until Monday morning.

That Monday morning at about 3:15 am, the fire alarms went off. Community Manager Liz Lopez and Maintenance Supervisor Jesse Alcantar were called. The fire department was dispatched and upon Jesse’s arrival, it was found that the fire sprinkler line in the women’s spa had detached.

The women’s lounge, treatment room, 4 occupied units, 4 rooms in the resident relations office, 3 elevator shafts, 5 fob readers, the south tower lobby ceiling and much more had flooded.

The entire team worked for several days to clean up and repair everything that was affected.

“I wanted to acknowledge their hard work and dedication to the building; especially Liz and Jesse for being there from the early morning hours and all day to ensure the building would be operational,” shares Tanya Arcilla, Area Manager.

Way to go, Skyline team!

Friday, October 21, 2016 - 12:00

Last updated:
December 07, 2016