Yelp Super Star: Shaniqe from MB360

Thursday, September 15, 2016
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Miss Shaniqe LaFrance from MB360 in San Francisco has captured 8 Yelp Reviews in the past 3 months and has powered her team to a 4 Star rating on Yelp. She is constantly praised by residents for her awesomeness and always willing to help a resident. 

"Two 4 Star Reviews, and an astonishing SIX perfect 5 Star reviews!!! Shaniqe is an invaluable member of the ETeam," says MB360 community manager, Michael Prescott.  

RPM Christine Aiello shares, "Shaniqe started with us in 2012 and I have had the pleasure and honor to have her on my team.   She has always provided an exceptional level of customer service to both or prospective and current resident; always going above and beyond. She is cheerful and outgoing and always has a smile on her face.  I am so proud of her accomplishments that she has achieved!"

Way to go, Shaniqe! Check out some of her stellar reviews below.

Thursday, September 15, 2016 - 12:45

Last updated:
October 12, 2016