Announcing "News" and "Cool Stuff" tabs

Friday, June 24, 2016
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The Buzz homepage has a new look! Easily view news articles and fun, E-team stories with the new format.

News tab
Click the "News" tab to view articles that inform you about day-to-day operations and important updates.

Cool Stuff tab
Read about what makes the E-team amazing, inside and outside the office. Here we feature stories you shared with, including:

  • Community events / Resident events
  • Major life events, like newborn babies
  • Volunteer work
  • Professional achievements, like earning a certificate or degree
  • Secret talents
  • Adorable pets
  • Amazing hobbies
  • ... And all of the other cool stuff you’re doing

Have something cool you'd like to share? Tell us at Don't worry about spending too much time editing your submission -- we’ll polish your story before it’s posted.

Comments or feedback? Let us know at

Thursday, June 23, 2016 - 10:45

Last updated:
July 18, 2016