Desiree Olivas, Corporate MVP

Tuesday, June 7, 2016
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“She Works Hard For the Money” by Donna Summer is the song that best describes marketing manager, Desiree Olivas’ work ethic. With the company for more than 8 years and a background in marketing and fashion, Desiree was recently awarded a Corporate MVP award. “The people. I really enjoy the people I work with. I definitely wouldn’t be as successful without the support of the team,” shares Desiree when asked what’s kept her at Essex for more than 8 years. On her spare time, Desiree enjoys taking her retriever mix out for walks and exploring trails in Los Gatos and San Jose “and Pinterest, I could spend hours on it.” Get to know her below!

1. 8 years with Essex, please share a memory!

We had a “Day in the Field” last year where we travelled to Ventura County and had the opportunity to work with the maintenance teams. They were getting a lot of calls! We hopped on the golf cart and I got to see how much residents LOVED them, which was pretty cool. I also got a deeper understanding of what they do as well and establish a relationship with them.

2. Last awesome project you worked on?

One South Market in San Jose, I grew up in that area and to work on a project in my neighborhood from the ground up was special to me. Now, when I drive by, I see the graphics and banners that my team and I worked on.

3. What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I went to fashion design school at FIDM before continuing my education in Business Administration. I’ve always had a passion for fashion and learned and developed a lot of skills that I use today in my current role.

4. Last thing you googled?

“Gray subway tile backsplash,” I’m currently renovating my home and it’s been a lot of fun. But my pup is not a fan, he comes into the kitchen and doesn’t understand what is going on! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 - 16:15

Last updated:
June 24, 2016