November Culture Commercial & Article

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, November 17, 2021
As we reflect on this year and even on the past few years, thinking of what we’ve accomplished, you would see that We Do Great Together. We are so much stronger than anything that can come up against us if we do it TOGETHER.
We persevere through past, and future changes and are stronger than the pandemic. When you look over your shoulder at your colleague, you know they are rowing in the same direction and headed toward the same path. It creates a sense of comfort because we’re working together, and you’re not alone. Leading At Every Level, carrying each other at different moments for different reasons, helps us accomplish our goals.
These past two years have shined a light on what matters most. Having the ability to work for a company that Supports Work Life Balance is essential these days. Being enabled to spend precious moments with loved ones is crucial. If there is one lesson the pandemic has taught us, it is that TIME is invaluable. The moments we create with those we love can’t be replaced. What will you do with your time off? Will you spend it biking a trail, spending time with loved ones? Or traveling to somewhere you’ve never been before? How will you spend your TIME?
Embrace that which can’t be replaced, honesty, integrity, and ESSEX Culture. How will you continue to influence our culture for years to come? Whether you are a porter, corporate associate, or Community Manager, we all make a difference not only in our own lives but in the lives of those around us. Our peers and residents alike get to experience us; highs, lows, excitement to indifference, we’re all on this journey together. Along the way, we hope to leave the world a little bit better than when we started. What will your mark be on the world?  As a new year approaches, so does the opportunity to Embrace Honesty, look change in the mirror, and say, “I got this!”.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021 - 14:57

Last updated:
December 01, 2021