November is Native American Heritage Month

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, November 3, 2021
During the month of November, the DEI Action Team is focusing on Native American Heritage. If you identify as Native American, we want to hear from you! Use this link to share information about your heritage, folklore, photos, and favorite recipes with us. Submissions will appear on the Heritage page in Buzz. We encourage everyone to explore Native American music and locally owned businesses!  
Native American culture is rich and diverse. Many tribes domesticated edible plants, raised animals and discovered natural medicines. Native American innovations in mathematics and government have also greatly influenced other cultures in Europe and Latin America.   
The Native American worldview is deep and infused with spiritual meaning—everything in their culture ties into their belief system and their love of their land and people. With the collective support of family and community comes the sense of satisfaction and belonging that defines happiness. 
At Essex, we encourage associates to share and celebrate their heritage as Native Americans. We look forward to learning about and sharing your rich culture and varied contributions. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - 14:42

Last updated:
November 10, 2021