And the Winners Are ...

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Yesterday, associates across the company from San Diego to Seattle joined together to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of our top-performing teams and team members, each who played a vital role in our success throughout the year. This was a time to celebrate you, celebrate us, and show how much we value each and every associate for your unique talents and gifts you bring to our company.

75 deserving award winners were announced during our celebration, but we have many more associates to recognize for their hard work! In the following lists, you will see more than 300 of your fellow E-Team members recognized for their hard work and dedication in 2020. We hope you will take a moment to read through our winners for All-Star Customer Service, Rookie of the Year, Star Leaser, Right Hand, and MVP.

Kudos, air hugs, virtual high-fives, and congratulatory messages are encouraged! Take a moment today to personally recognize your team members and applaud them for their outstanding achievements.

Northern California Award Winners
A special shoutout to MVP Award Winner Rafael Mateo from the Fremont Collection!
Los Angeles & Ventura Award Winners
Pacific Northwest Award Winners
Orange County & San Diego Award Winners
Corporate Award Winners

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 - 12:26

Last updated:
June 14, 2021