Join our Week of Thanks!

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Thursday, November 12, 2020

Our inaguaral Essex Week of Thanks is for showcasing how we appreciate and recognize the efforts of everyone who has kept us connected and moving forward.

While every year has its successes and struggles, this year especially has been more difficult than most. Taking a moment of thankfulness can brighten your outlook and empower others to do the same. Gratitude comes in many forms, from a simple thank you to volunteering your time or embracing honesty, and we want to offer you the opportunity to acknowledge everything you’re thankful for this year during Week of Thanks.


  • Interactive Virtual Meetings
  • Volunteering Resources
  • And more!

We want to hear from you! Please take a moment to share a story about:

  • What you’re thankful for this year
  • How you’ve given back in your community in 2020
  • A message of thanks to your team or another Essex associate

Send a message or a 30-second video clip to to share your story.

Thursday, November 12, 2020 - 15:32

Last updated:
November 16, 2020