Operating Leadership Changes

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Thursday, July 23, 2020

Interoffice Memorandum

To: Operating Team
From: John Burkart
RE: Operating Leadership Changes
Date: Thursday, July 23, 2020

As many of you may remember, Scott Reinert announced that he would be departing Essex in mid-2020.  I greatly appreciate the advanced notice Scott provided which enabled us to plan a leadership transition. Since then, no one could have predicted that the entire world would be turned upside-down from this pandemic. Scott has been instrumental in our rapidly changing environment and successfully leading our team to adjust to this new normal. For this and his countless other accomplishments during his time at Essex, I am incredibly grateful to have had him as part of our team. Scott’s last day is Friday the 24th of July, please join me in bidding him a fond farewell and thanking him for all his great contributions.

Turning ahead, I am excited to announce that Lisa Yeh has agreed to step in as the Acting Leader of Operations upon Scott’s departure.  Lisa’s prior experience in Operations as a Leasing Agent, Community Manager, and RPM, in addition her extensive background in Asset Management has her well set up for this role.  Currently, Lisa is Group Vice President of Asset Management and a member of the Senior Operations Leadership Team (SOLT). She is responsible for Renovation, Ancillary Income, Commercial, Utilities, the Corporate Social Responsibility initiative (CSR), and many other items.  As Acting Leader of Operations, Scott’s current direct reports will report to Lisa with the exception of the adjustments noted below.

In addition, the Revenue Management team will be united under Jessica Anderson’s supervision enabling us to more effectively navigate the markets.

Finally, Steven Steele, the Director of Maintenance, will report to Eric Humiston. This will enable us to unify the various teams and provide improved service to the sites.

Please also join me in welcoming Lisa Yeh into her new role.

Thursday, July 23, 2020 - 12:36

Last updated:
September 28, 2020