Steps to Success REDEFINED!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

We are excited to announce the redefined Steps to Success program in which every step you take—from your introduction to Essex, through your onboarding experience and your accumulation of knowledge and skills—adds to your career success. The new vision allows YOU to plan your career with Essex.

The program begins with strong branding, both externally and internally. To attract the right talent, we are strengthening the reputation of Essex as an associate-focused company. Utilizing our Career page and social networking sites, we can stress that Essex is not just a job but a career; not only a place where people want to live but where they want to work. Internally, our reimagined L&D Buzz page goes live in July, where “Training” becomes “Steps to Success”—your portal into all of L&D. On this new page, you will find links to career mapping, the new “L&D TV,” and more!

The new Steps to Success program will ensure our associates’ careers start on the right path. We are modernizing Day One orientation and expanding the Onboarding Advisor (Hubs) Program. We are also improving our core curriculum to offer more professional development and Essex-branded courses. Furthermore, we will feature a catalog of elective courses for a more personalized learning experience.

Lastly, we are excited to introduce the Emerging Leaders Program—which taps into potential leader skills and develops those skills for success in future leadership roles at Essex—as well as Talent Management: tools to strengthen our high performing workforce and increase associate engagement and retention. These tools place the associate in the driver’s seat to plan and achieve their career goals.

More to come, starting in July! Thank you for making us a part of your journey at Essex.

L&D Team

Friday, June 19, 2020 - 22:59

Last updated:
September 14, 2020