CentrePointe Associates Go Above and Beyond

Wednesday, June 10, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

Amidst this uncertain time, it is comforting to know that our communities continue to go above and beyond for their residents. In this case, the team at CentrePointe came together to help a mom who had to relocate her son due to Covid-19 in a very short periodLiving in a different state than her son, as well as having to navigate many unfamiliar processes, made this situation difficult to say the least. However, the entire office team came together as a valuable resource to support her through the entire transition. The help and thoughtfulness of everyone in the office resulted in a successful move with everything going according to plan and the team was thanked with a gift basket and a card.


Thanks for going above and beyond CentrePointe! 

Friday, June 5, 2020 - 16:45

Last updated:
July 08, 2020