Montejo Hosts Door Decorating Contest

Wednesday, May 20, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

It’s a question you’ve probably been asked during this pandemic: If you weren’t in quarantine, where would you be?  Maybe you missed the vacation you had on the calendar or your inner travel bug has been has been forced to take a back seat for the foreseeable future. The team at Montejo decided to have a little fun while dreaming about vacation plans with their Door Decorating Contest!
Residents were asked to decorate their apartment door to showcase where they would rather be instead of being at home. Photos were submitted through Facebook, and the three doors with the most likes were eligible to win up to a $50 Walmart gift card. Check out their first, second and third place winners!
Great job Montejo team! This contest is a great way to engage residents and foster a sense of community.

Friday, May 15, 2020 - 11:49

Last updated:
June 06, 2020