Start Using Zoom Chat

Wednesday, May 13, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

Our Zoom Chat rollout originally scheduled for May 15 has been postponed to allow additional transition time to the new company standard business instant messaging tool.  Over the next two weeks, IT will be hosting live videoconference sessions to provide an “Intro to Zoom Chat.”
Feel free to choose from any of the four sessions focused on providing a Zoom Chat

  • Overview
  • Demonstration
  • Questions

Intro to Zoom Chat 5.19 10:30 AM
Intro to Zoom Chat 5.21 10:30 AM
Intro to Zoom Chat 5.26 10:30 AM
Intro to Zoom Chat 5.28 10:30 AM
Also, feel free to browse User tips for Zoom Chat available by clicking here >>  Zoom Chat Tools or searching for "Zoom Chat Tools" in the ServiceNow Knowledgebase.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - 10:44

Last updated:
May 30, 2020