Essex Reputation Leaderboard Quarterly Results

Printer-friendly versionPDF version Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Attention: All On-Site Associates

As introduced in October, we will continue to strengthen our focus on reputation management by publishing our reputation results on a quarterly basis. 

Online reputation results will be presented in three categories on a quarterly basis:

  • High-Ranked – communities with an aggregated score of 4.0 or higher from the last two quarters on Yelp, Google, and Facebook
  • Upgraders – communities that show a marked improvement
  • Low-Ranked – communities with an aggregated score of less than 3.0 from the last two quarters on Yelp, Google, and Facebook

Q3 and Q4 Reputation Landscape

As of 1/6/20

  • High-Ranked – 36% of the Essex portfolio has an aggregated score of 4.0 or higher from the last two quarters on Yelp, Google, and Facebook (July 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019). This represents a 1% decrease from October's benchmark.
  • Upgraders – 27% of the Essex portfolio showed a marked improvement with a 10% or higher increase in their score compared to October's benchmarks. This is the first quarter improvements are being reported. 
  • Low-Ranked – 28% of the portfolio has an aggregated score of less than 3.0 from the last two quarters on Yelp, Google, and Facebook (July 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019). This represents a 4% increase from October's benchmark.


Here are the lists of highest, lowest, and upgrader-ranked communities across the portfolio and with the full leaderboard below.



Complete Leaderboard:
*Note that if a cell is empty, that means no reviews were received during that time.


Tips and Best Practices

As a general best practice, all communities should strive to:

  • Continue to provide the best possible experience for our residents and prospects.
  • Simply ask happy prospects and residents to write a review.
  • Own negative reviews: analyze the topics on which negative feedback is being received—e.g., curb appeal, customer service, noise.
    • Are there any immediate changes that could be made to prevent similar feedback in the future—e.g., a property walk, training, community policy reminder?
  • Reach out to residents who posted negative reviews and attempt to remedy any concerns.
    • If you are able to come to a resolution and feel it’s appropriate, ask the resident if they would be willing to change their review based on this recent experience.
  • Proactively communicate with residents about any updates or happenings at your community—e.g., temporary amenity closures, construction, policy changes, new staff.
  • Achieve an all-time aggregated reputation score of at least 3.5.
  • Regularly check in on review scores and feedback in Chatmeter.

For more information on tips and best practices, visit this link on Buzz:

Using Chatmeter

We encourage Community Managers to use Chatmeter to see and review your reputation scores regularly. The information below can be viewed by clicking on the “Reviews” tab, selecting the dates July 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019, and narrowing down the providers to Yelp, Google, and Facebook. Click here to learn more about Chatmeter.

Please direct questions to

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 - 12:29

Last updated:
February 01, 2020