Bothell Ridge Conquers Record Rainfall

Wednesday, January 15, 2020
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Attention: All Associates

Our communities in the Pacific Northwest are no stranger to rain, but December 20, 2019, proved to be one of the rainiest days they've faced so far. A record 2.69 inches fell, setting the record for most rainfall on this date since record-keeping began in 1945 when the previous record was just 1.93 inches set in 1955. Rain fell so hard and so fast that the day clocked in as the 15th rainiest ever recorded in the area!

​The E-Team at Bothell Ridge in Bothell, WA, acted quickly to mitigate the rain's impact as soon as it started. Community Manager, Jade Ung, shared, "Maintenance staff saved the day. Not one unit was affected due to the quick actions of our team!"

You can see the results of the team's efforts in the above photos taken around the property during the storm. The rain was swiftly encroaching on resident homes when the staff intervened to direct it away from residences and into open areas.

Great work, Bothell Ridge!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 - 14:26

Last updated:
February 01, 2020