Irvine Office E-Team Participates in Holiday Adopt-a-Family Program

Wednesday, December 18, 2019
    Donations overflow in boxes labeled for each of the four families adopted by the Irvine corporate office.
  • Donations overflow in boxes labeled for each of the four families adopted by the Irvine corporate office.

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Attention: All Associates

In an act of charitable giving, the E-Team at the Irvine corporate office adopted four families and raised more than $2,000 in donated items!

Led by Tonya Albertson, the team worked with the Families Forward organization to be paired with four local families who requested assistance in fulfilling their holiday wish lists. Tonya shared, "I am so excited to announce that between all of the cash and gift donations (plus some help from a few vendors), we have collectively raised $2,154 for our four adopted families! The donations have been delivered, and it was a wonderful feeling to say good-bye to the hard work that went into such a wonderful and special cause!"

Thanks for sharing with Cool Stuff!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019 - 13:21

Last updated:
December 31, 2019