E-Way Conducts Team-Building Toy Drive

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

In October, the E-Way team participated in team-building with a cause by collecting and delivering toys to local children's hospitals.

The team collected more than 50 toy donations from the Irvine corporate office, which will be used to ease the discomfort of children during their time at the hospital. They wrapped and labeled the gifts and delivered them to Children's Hospital, Orange County to be distributed by the staff. 

Donations are also being raised for Seattle Children's, which the team plans to deliver during the first week of December.

We love your giving spirit, E-Way! Thanks for sharing with Cool Stuff.

Is your community doing a holiday toy, food, or supply drive? Share it with CoolStuff@essex.com to see it showcased on Buzz.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019 - 14:05

Last updated:
December 07, 2019