Irvine Office Plays "Boo Your Neighbor"

Wednesday, October 30, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

The E-Team at the Irvine corporate office recently kicked off the fall holiday season with a friendly game of "Boo Your Neighbor."

Office Services Coordinator, Tonya Albertson, shares, "We are playing a fun pay-it-forward game at the office, and it's really catching on! It all starts with a willing "booer" who gets the game going by secretly placing a small gift and a "You've Been Booed!" sign on someone's desk. Now it's up to that person to "boo" someone else within two to three days. Once someone has been "booed," they place an "I've been booed" sign next to their nameplate so that there aren't repeat boos. If you choose not to participate, place the skull and crossbones next to your name...but party poopers may just get booed anyway!"

Tonya adds, "The exciting part is seeing the signs pop up all around the office. It creates a buzz of anticipation. A special thanks to Tenoka in the Marketing department for this wonderful idea!"

Thanks for sharing with Cool Stuff!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - 14:09

Last updated:
November 13, 2019