More Associates Complete Steps to Success

Wednesday, October 23, 2019
    Christian Zargoza completed the Steps to Success curriculum for Maintenance.
  • Christian Zargoza completed the Steps to Success curriculum for Maintenance.

  • Sara Genato completed the Steps to Success curriculum for Leasing Specialists plus the curriculum for ACMs.
  • Sara Genato completed the Steps to Success curriculum for Leasing Specialists plus the curriculum for ACMs.

  • Christina Salibello completed the Steps to Success curriculum for Leasing Specialists.
  • Christina Salibello completed the Steps to Success curriculum for Leasing Specialists.

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Attention: All Associates

Congratulations to E-Team members who recently completed Steps to Success curriculum as part of their career development path. Each of these featured associates was also recently promoted!

  • Christian Zargoza completed the Steps to Success curriculum for Maintenance and has been promoted from Porter to Maintenance Technician.
  • Sara Genato completed the Steps to Success curriculum for Leasing Specialists and has been promoted from Leasing Specialist to Assistant Manager. Sara has also completed the curriculum for ACMs.
  • Christina Salibello completed the Steps to Success curriculum for Leasing Specialists and has been promoted from Resident Relations Rep to Assistant Manager.

Christian and Christina are now enrolled in Steps to Success curriculum for their current roles.
To date, 126 associates have completed the Steps to Success curriculum for their job roles or for the roles they are aspiring to grow into. The Steps to Success program, combined with an excellent work record, can give you a head start on meeting your career goals.
Here's what the associates had to share about their experiences with the curriculum:
“Steps to Success has played a huge part in me feeling prepared to be promoted. After completing the Steps to Success for Leasing Specialists, I was ready to grow within the company and see what the next step for me at Essex had to offer. I recently completed the ACM curriculum and have started my first week as an ACM at Park 20.”
- Sara Genato, Assistant Manager
“I couldn’t wait to complete each section of the Steps to Success program. I found all of the lessons to be really helpful in our everyday tasks like email writing, giving and receiving feedback, and team building. These are lessons that everyone benefits from and we are lucky to have these resources at our fingertips!”
- Tina Salibello, Assistant Manager
All E-team members are encouraged to engage in Steps to Success curriculum. The training is accessed through Learning Bridge, and all on-site associates are encouraged to check out the courses available.
To learn more about Steps to Success or partner with the Learning and Development team to help put together a career path plan and receive resume coaching, contact Bhawana Srivastava at

Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - 12:02

Last updated:
November 09, 2019