Be Aware of This Direct Deposit Phishing Scam

Wednesday, August 7, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

Please be aware that there has been a recent wave of phishing attempts to change associate direct deposit information.

As a reminder, associates are responsible for managing their own direct deposit information via Workday. No associate should request HR or Payroll to make changes to their direct deposit elections on their behalf. 

By putting direct deposit changes in the hands of each associate directly, we can reduce the chance of scammers emailing HR or Payroll on "behalf" of an associate to request direct deposit changes. If you receive any external email requesting changes be made to your direct deposit information, do not respond to or act on the request; instead, reach out to IT so that the security team may analyze and review the request. 

Please direct questions to

Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - 13:12

Last updated:
August 21, 2019