Paperless Transformation Phase I Process Spotlight: Move-In Process

Wednesday, June 19, 2019
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Attention: All On-Site Associates

Properly preparing for a new resident’s move-in date is imperative. Ensuring that the unit is in good condition and that all paperwork is ready in advance will help make the resident’s experience a great one! The goal of the Move-In Process in E-Way is to provide guidance on preparing and completing resident move-ins.
Move-In Process:

  • All lease documents must be fully executed prior to the commencement date on the agreement. Lease agreements that are not fully executed prior to the lease start date could be considered invalid. 
  • The unit should be walked 24-48 hours prior to move-in to confirm that the unit is ready.
  • If documents must be manually uploaded to Yardi, use the document naming convention, “t-code-document type.” For example, “t1234567-Renter’s Insurance Declaration.”
  • Best practice is to walk the unit and complete the MIMO with the resident at move-in.


  • All Admin Associates: Sign into E-Way through OKTA and review the Move-In Process.
  • Community Managers: Log in to On-Site and review documents with pending signatures and take appropriate action (countersign or cancel the document if it is no longer valid).

Test Your Understanding

After reviewing the processes in E-Way, see if you can answer the following questions:

  • Can military IDs be copied and retained in the file?
  • On what move in date should following month’s rent be charged?
  • Where is the water shut off for toilets located in your units? How about the garbage disposal reset button and electrical (breaker) boxes?

We want to hear from you! Please submit your feedback in E-Way directly or email us at

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 - 13:33

Last updated:
July 06, 2019