Redmond Hill Teaches Bike Safety at Annual Bicycle Rodeo

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
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Attention: All Associates

Redmond Hill in Redmond, CA, understands the importance of bike safety around their community. That's why they hired "Bicycle Brian" to come and host their annual Bicycle Rodeo event.

The training began with a short lesson in the recreation room going over the fundamentals like how to properly fit a helmet, how to use proper turn signals, and general rules of the road. After covering the fundamentals, the group took their knowledge and put it to action in the parking lot of the community where obstacle courses were set up. Once on the bikes, the participants learned how to properly stop at stop signs, ride on a straight line, and how to look both ways before crossing or entering traffic. 

Community Manager Nikki Hamilton told us, "Everyone had a blast and asked when we would be hosting this event again. It was a smashing hit!"

Thanks for sharing Redmond Hill!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019 - 17:11

Last updated:
June 15, 2019